Off Topic Quiz, Guess the Problem

Richard ZZ Busc

Off Topic Quiz, Guess the Problem

by Richard ZZ Busc » Fri, 04 Feb 2000 04:00:00

I've had the same problem. In my case it was cold tires. They do flat
spot, when they freeze, the bottom stays flat until it heats up. I could
hear it on somedays.

Richard "ZZ" Busch

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Brett Camma

Off Topic Quiz, Guess the Problem

by Brett Camma » Fri, 04 Feb 2000 04:00:00

Water inside tire...

Brett C. Cammack
That's Racing! Motorsports
Pompano Beach, FL


Off Topic Quiz, Guess the Problem

by GTX_SlotCa » Fri, 04 Feb 2000 04:00:00

Congrats to Peter Nilsson and other who had the right answer, and thanks to
others for the humorous posts. I was temped not to give the answer right
away because I wanted to hear more of the jokes.
The guy that fixed up the truck wasn't happy with the wheels, so he got some
nice chrome ones in perfect shape off a totalled truck in a junk yard. The
tires were bad on the new rims, but the guy at the junk yard had some almost
new ones outside leaning against the building that were just the right size.
He offered to mount them. It must have rained during the day, and frozen at
When we finally took the tire off the wheel to check it out, over 2 quarts
of water poured out of it. Total charge at Paul's Alignment Center, $29 for
road test, balance and rotation of tires.


Bruce Kennewel

Off Topic Quiz, Guess the Problem

by Bruce Kennewel » Sat, 05 Feb 2000 04:00:00

The wheel/tyre was temporarily out-of-balance for some reason.  A snake
trying to keep warm had wrapped itself around the brake drum/disk?!

Bruce Kennewell,
Canberra, Australia.

> Okay, what's your second guess?

> When you guys hear the answer you'll laugh and say 'Of course!!'

> Slot

> >The tires may look great and have few miles but are probably pretty
> >old....  the cold and the sitting made it hard, and not as flexible as
> >it normally would be so when you first start rolling it, it's not
> >quite round due to the part that sits on the ground... once it's been
> >spinning a while and gets some heat back in it, it softens up and goes
> >back to it's correct shape.......

> >If that's wrong I have another guess, but I'll wait....  I had an old
> >pick'em up that did the same thing, but it's tires were just junk and
> >it didn't matter what the temperature was.....

> >>I know this is off topic, but you'll get a kick out of it. Its a little
> quiz
> >>and I'll post the answer tomorrow unless someone guesses it before then.

> >>Here's the background. I'm in the state of Maine, USA. My company needed
> >>another truck for odds and ends, so last month we bought a used 1994
> >>F150  4X4 with 69,000 miles on it. The truck had been in an accident,
> >>was all redone and repainted. It looks great inside and out. On our test
> >>drive it went great. It doesn't get a lot of use. Also remember its cold
> in
> >>Maine this time of year. I took it out one cold morning after it had sat
> for
> >>a couple days. At about 40 mph the steering wheel shook ***ly.  I
> >>thought the left, front wheel was coming off. I stopped and checked it
> out,
> >>but all was well. After a few miles the shaking was less, and eventually
> >>went away almost completely even at 60 mph. The tires are Goodrich steel
> >>belted radials with no cupping or other signs of uneven wear. The next
> >>morning I took it out again, and it shook again, but not so badly and it
> >>went away sooner. The truck sat for a couple days without use. 2
> >>later I took it out again, and sure enough I thought the wheel was gonna
> >>fall off. *** shaking.  But again, after10 miles or so the shaking
> >>lessened and eventually stopped.

> >>We checked the tires in the morning for flat spots (not likely on steel
> >>belted radials) and there were none. The conclusion was that the truck
> does
> >>this only when it's real cold and comes out of it when it warms up.
> Usually
> >>its worse when it sits for 2 days than if it just sits for one day. If
> >>sits for a day, but you don't take it out until after 1 or 2 PM, its not
> bad
> >>at all. It always comes out of the problem after being run for a few
> miles.
> >>Sitting for more than 2 days doesn't make it worse than just sitting for
> >>days.

> >>Okay gents. What do you think was wrong with it?

> >>Slot

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Peter Nilss

Off Topic Quiz, Guess the Problem

by Peter Nilss » Sat, 05 Feb 2000 04:00:00

The line "remember its cold in Maine this time of year" was a
What did I win?   :-)
A ride in that Ford?


Alan Orto

Off Topic Quiz, Guess the Problem

by Alan Orto » Sat, 05 Feb 2000 04:00:00

Shock fluid frozen or very cold and as think as molasses.
Bruce Kennewel

Off Topic Quiz, Guess the Problem

by Bruce Kennewel » Sat, 05 Feb 2000 04:00:00

An old, bald, frozen tyre!

Bruce Kennewell,
Canberra, Australia.

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Asbj?rn Bj?rnst

Off Topic Quiz, Guess the Problem

by Asbj?rn Bj?rnst » Sat, 05 Feb 2000 04:00:00

> I used to put water in my tractor tires for weight. I would add calcium to
> the water so it would not freeze.

Why do you want extra weight in your tractor tires?
  [asbjxrn]            [lLd25z*%ds1-100/sLlSdI%ds2-O/sSl1l2*PlL0<l]sl
                       21172310731916131628237117 3237142523312SSSLllxq
Jan Koh

Off Topic Quiz, Guess the Problem

by Jan Koh » Sun, 06 Feb 2000 04:00:00

I see that I'm late, but without looking at the answer, I'm going to say
that it either
has bad shocks, or bad ball joints...

Now I'll see if I'm right...  ;]

B4 taking this job with the USAF, I used to be an auto mechanic....
...and a truck driver...and a forklift operater...and a house gutter
installer...and...  ;]


Jan Kohl
The Pits -

Randy Mo

Off Topic Quiz, Guess the Problem

by Randy Mo » Mon, 07 Feb 2000 04:00:00

Well, I'm late on this one too, but I'll try before looking at the
answer as well. I'm a Ford Technician, although that probably doesn't
matter much with this senario. One thing is true......A vibration
always is the result of some form of spinning mass (Wheels, tires,
driveshaft, etc.). So you can rule out any suspension or steering
parts. Does it happen at all speeds before going away? And get worse
with higher speeds? If so, I would suspect it's tire/wheel related. Do
you get much snow up there? Is it snow getting into the inner part of
the wheel? Or possibly, like others have indicated, water inside the
tires that is freezing. Well, let's see what it was...................

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