The wheel/tyre was temporarily out-of-balance for some reason. A snake
trying to keep warm had wrapped itself around the brake drum/disk?!
Bruce Kennewell,
Canberra, Australia.
> Okay, what's your second guess?
> When you guys hear the answer you'll laugh and say 'Of course!!'
> Slot
> >The tires may look great and have few miles but are probably pretty
> >old.... the cold and the sitting made it hard, and not as flexible as
> >it normally would be so when you first start rolling it, it's not
> >quite round due to the part that sits on the ground... once it's been
> >spinning a while and gets some heat back in it, it softens up and goes
> >back to it's correct shape.......
> >If that's wrong I have another guess, but I'll wait.... I had an old
> >pick'em up that did the same thing, but it's tires were just junk and
> >it didn't matter what the temperature was.....
> >>I know this is off topic, but you'll get a kick out of it. Its a little
> quiz
> >>and I'll post the answer tomorrow unless someone guesses it before then.
> >>Here's the background. I'm in the state of Maine, USA. My company needed
> >>another truck for odds and ends, so last month we bought a used 1994
> >>F150 4X4 with 69,000 miles on it. The truck had been in an accident,
> >>was all redone and repainted. It looks great inside and out. On our test
> >>drive it went great. It doesn't get a lot of use. Also remember its cold
> in
> >>Maine this time of year. I took it out one cold morning after it had sat
> for
> >>a couple days. At about 40 mph the steering wheel shook ***ly. I
> >>thought the left, front wheel was coming off. I stopped and checked it
> out,
> >>but all was well. After a few miles the shaking was less, and eventually
> >>went away almost completely even at 60 mph. The tires are Goodrich steel
> >>belted radials with no cupping or other signs of uneven wear. The next
> >>morning I took it out again, and it shook again, but not so badly and it
> >>went away sooner. The truck sat for a couple days without use. 2
> >>later I took it out again, and sure enough I thought the wheel was gonna
> >>fall off. *** shaking. But again, after10 miles or so the shaking
> >>lessened and eventually stopped.
> >>We checked the tires in the morning for flat spots (not likely on steel
> >>belted radials) and there were none. The conclusion was that the truck
> does
> >>this only when it's real cold and comes out of it when it warms up.
> Usually
> >>its worse when it sits for 2 days than if it just sits for one day. If
> >>sits for a day, but you don't take it out until after 1 or 2 PM, its not
> bad
> >>at all. It always comes out of the problem after being run for a few
> miles.
> >>Sitting for more than 2 days doesn't make it worse than just sitting for
> >>days.
> >>Okay gents. What do you think was wrong with it?
> >>Slot
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