Behind the Times but....


Behind the Times but....

by dog_heave » Fri, 02 Oct 1998 04:00:00

All this talk about GPL made me go out and find the Demo. Now after
installing on two different systems - it won't run. Nothing special about
either system. A Pentium 200 and AMD 233. One has VooDoo2 and a Rendition
2100 board. Sound Blaster AWE32 and SB PCI. Everything else runs fine,
including Viper Demo and WWII Demo.
But GPL demo has distorted sound and a frame rate of about 5fps. On yes - it
always activates my Dial up connection at the splash screen. The readme is
dated 3/98 - is there a new demo around?

Mahalo Alan

Jan Otto Ruu

Behind the Times but....

by Jan Otto Ruu » Sat, 03 Oct 1998 04:00:00

If you run win98 you will have problem running the demo. Visit DoktorB's
site for help:

-Jan Otto

>All this talk about GPL made me go out and find the Demo. Now after
>installing on two different systems - it won't run. Nothing special about
>either system. A Pentium 200 and AMD 233. One has VooDoo2 and a Rendition
>2100 board. Sound Blaster AWE32 and SB PCI. Everything else runs fine,
>including Viper Demo and WWII Demo.
>But GPL demo has distorted sound and a frame rate of about 5fps. On yes -
>always activates my Dial up connection at the splash screen. The readme is
>dated 3/98 - is there a new demo around?

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