Hmm.... Opposing Force - Expansion Pack priced like a full game, but
worth every penny. NASCAR Legends, full game that should have been an
expansion pack, not sure how much I like it yet...
I mean, damn, upside-down guage text? The same sounds as N3? The same
fictional drivers and car livery? My money better be going to more
than the next edition of NASCAR Racing (even if N4 has the GPL engine)
Tell you what I'd pay $100 for - take the GPL engine, apply it to '60s
Sports Car racing (Lotus Elites/Elans, Jaguar XK's, etc.) and I'd be in
heaven. Can we start a petition?
PS - Anyone know where I can get Rally Championship online? EB World
has a release date of 2/15 and I can't wait that long ;).
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Before you buy.