big daddy Sierra. Sierra calls all the shots when it comes to stuff
like this...they just do what they are told.
On Fri, 10 Dec 1999 23:16:47 -0500, Michael Basden
>Well folks,
> I don't know if a similar thing has already been said but...I was
>just checking out the Papy website when lo-and-behold they are
>advertising "Screen shot for our upcoming Nascar Racing 3 Craftsman
>Trucks Expansion pack". Now normally I don't *** about the software
>companies trying to make a buck off of us poor schmoes, but come on!
>Enough is enough!
>I think about the work dedicated sim guys have done for free in the past
>with N2 bodies and SCGT expansion packs etc,..and this Papy thing just
>pisses me off. And now with the release of DTR, that you can pick up
>for a mere $20, I can't possibly swallow this tripe that Papy will try
>to pass off as an 'improvement' to N3. <sarcasm on> I mean, surely this
>wasn't anything that they couldn't have put in N3 for the original
>release was it? <sarcasm off> Yes, I think N3 was a great improvement
>over N2. I'm not arguing about that, and I know some of you will try to
>defend it (like I have in the past) saying well, we will probably get
>more tracks too..etc..but frankly I'm sick of their 'cash-cow' scams! I
>only wish there was some way we could revolt against them without
>slitting our throats over N4.
>A very disappointed ex-Papy supporter,
>Mike Basden
>P.S. If someone knows of a good 3DO editor for N3 (and some background
>info on how to use it), I'd be open to trying my hand at creating a new
>body style.