I think what you are interpreting as 'looser' is actually a bit of control
lag being introduced by online racing.
This is, unfortunately, normal.
You're just a bit further behind the car in control input that you realize.
You get used to it after a while.
Papy had brilliant controller code back in the N2 days that was optimized
for online racing. Unfortunately, it only works with analog controllers. I
believe it's still in there today, but it won't work with anything but a
plain old, analog, joystick-port based controller.
And that's a damned shame. I don't understand why they can't re-write it to
work with today's digital controllers, but we would all be better off if
they did.
Until then, we have to live with the DirectX controller code, which is in no
way optimized for online *** :( Or anything else as far as I can tell...
> : Started 5th, finished 2nd. My only incident was overtaking Dave, and
> : he scooted up the track to protect his position. I lost 3 spots as a
> : result, but regained those positions when Dave came down on Mark
> : Seery (Mark won the race) while they were side-by-side in the turn on
> : the next-to-last lap.
> :
> : I think overall, I did a pretty fair job of staying in the top five
> : for the entire event.
> :
> Guess I will join the "official" thread.
> I know I said this before, now I believe it. The RASCAR race servers run
> "Looser" than papy or offline. I raced this track off and on all week and
> only spun the first few times. I was in races (yes, they were fun) online
> and off and did not spin out, did not even really have any trouble holding
> my line with the exception of going out of three too high on occasion.
> Today's race was a shambles for me, my car did not seem to have the horse
> power on restarts that other cars around me did, I was in a major headone
> I believe the third caution when two car past me while I was slowing to
> start part II of the incident and I then plowed right into the side of
> someone, after that i had my second spin which at this point I believe was
> damage related since the replay shows me loose right from the green till I
> spun. I am sorry to whomever it was I hit in the side on five coming out
> that incident (fifth yellow?), you slowed suddenly and I was accelerating
> behind you, ltb went high and I had to go low, bounced back up off the
> and into your side. Was hoping I would bounce back up beyond you :-(
> I really think it would have been a different race if we could have only
> gotten past the first couple of laps and stretched out a little. I know
> when I was on the high side in three it was no fun at all. John, I really
> liked your whiplash move past the 55 on that restart to pass me, where you
> get that HP from anyway??
> All in all, I finished another race and this one was on the lead lap, even
> managed a top ten.
> Daytona should be fun!
> --
> McWhom
> -----------------------------------------------------------------