Well the only reason I used GPL as a reference guide because you
are usually steering-shifting-up/down-braking' almost non-stop and
it is a bit tuff with just hands but then again [for me] I get smoother
action when I use my hands. Of course I can only use my hands &
I have never had the option to use my feet. [its a boring story]
Yes I have a nice mini-5x9x20-type bench that fits on my bed and
my Ferrari FF wheel locks in nicely. Prior I had the GP1, a TSW2
& a TM Sprint but I really like the FF effects.. I do the same with
my Guillemot FF joystick too..
Anyway I am not first' or only who has the paddles but I'd guess
there arent many who race on a bed.. hahahaha
| 1:29's at Monza would be about my pace I think, but in my defense (I
| have to come up with something here :-) I don't race GPL much more,
| never did as a matter of fact, I just break it out every now and then to
| remind myself just how good a sim can be, unfortunately for me the cars
| in there hold little interest for me....if it had been a historic
| touring car sim on the other hand :-)
| Race from bed eh, must be difficult, do you use a joystick or do have
| some special wheel setup ?
| I remember Thrustmaster had the old GP-1 wheel without pedals, you used
| 2 paddles behind the wheel for gas and brake, never could get used to
| that myself, at least not with manual shifting, but a friend of mine
| swore by it
| > btw: I thought you might have retrieved the info off the net
| > but thats ok :)
| At least you gave me the benefit of the doubt :-)
| Beers and cheers
| (uncle) Goy
| http://www.theuspits.com
| http://www.teammirage.com
| "A woman is an occasional pleasure but a cigar is always a smoke"
| --Groucho Marx--
| >
| > Ok Goy, How bout dis` one, I race in my bed & still easily
| > do 1:29s at Monza via GPL & I aint no hotlapper but thats
| > obvious!! hahaha :)~
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