> > The hydraulics of the power
> > steering unit were fine also, meaning that it was working, so
> > effectively both ends of the column were fully operational, but they
> > can't say whether or not the connection (the column itself) was fully
> > intact, partially broken or completely severed.
> And what conclusion do you draw from this?
steering column broke as the car hit the wall. They don't. They have
evidence that the power steering unit was working, and that the
steering wheel was being moved, but not that one was getting to the
other. The videos clearly show that the wheels didn't move, so either
Senna didn't turn the wheel, or something broke.
There is no way to know for sure. I know what I believe, and nobody
has offered a more likely sequence of events in my opinion, than what
I personally believe after extensive study. You are welcome to believe
what you like, I'm not trying to persuade people, just to offer more
facts than they might already know.
If I told you I was an 'expert witness', would you believe me? If I
told you I was just guessing, would you not believe me? The facts are
the same whether a 5 year old kid tells you them or God himself tells
you them.
Thanks for that amazing piece of information. Who are *your* sources?