No Arcade mode in NFS3


No Arcade mode in NFS3

by Jalo » Thu, 24 Sep 1998 04:00:00

I just bought NFS3. As far as I can tell there is no Arcade mode in NFS3.
This is very irriating. I never played NFS2 in simulation mode. I don't want
to mess around with settings to get a better time, that what F1RS is for. To
me NFS has always been about acrade racing, and N2 and F1RS have been racing
Sure it's a pretty game and all, but I'm very disappointed. Even F1RS has an
arcade mode.
Scott Moor

No Arcade mode in NFS3

by Scott Moor » Thu, 24 Sep 1998 04:00:00

If you ask me, the whole thing is in arcade mode- no damage model, no real
car physics, invisible walls- fun, but by no means anyhting near a

Scott Moore
Hoosier MotorSports
Sports *** Network***.com

>I just bought NFS3. As far as I can tell there is no Arcade mode in NFS3.
>This is very irriating. I never played NFS2 in simulation mode. I don't
>to mess around with settings to get a better time, that what F1RS is for.
>me NFS has always been about acrade racing, and N2 and F1RS have been
>Sure it's a pretty game and all, but I'm very disappointed. Even F1RS has
>arcade mode.

Mansfield Won

No Arcade mode in NFS3

by Mansfield Won » Thu, 24 Sep 1998 04:00:00

Well, the tuneups are very simple... just a bunch of slide-bars on the
screen.  And a "reset to default" button too. To me the physics are
somewhat arcade and "pre-scripted" in some places already, eg when you come
out of a corner by spinning your wheels.  Disclaimer: But then IRL I don't
drive a Diablo SV so I wouldn't know :o)



No Arcade mode in NFS3

by Galle » Thu, 24 Sep 1998 04:00:00

>If you ask me, the whole thing is in arcade mode- no damage model, no real
>car physics, invisible walls- fun, but by no means anything near a

I was surprised by this as well.  There were many changes made from the
Playstation version, some not necessarily for the better.  The handling of
the car is somewhere between arcade and sim.  I also don't like that you
can't choose your skill level, unless playing a tourney or knockout.

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No Arcade mode in NFS3

by Galle » Thu, 24 Sep 1998 04:00:00

>If you ask me, the whole thing is in arcade mode- no damage model, no real
>car physics, invisible walls- fun, but by no means anything near a

I was surprised by this as well.  There were many changes made from the
Playstation version, some not necessarily for the better.  The handling of
the car is somewhere between arcade and sim.  I also don't like that you
can't choose your skill level, unless playing a tourney or knockout.

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              Everything you wanted to know about
                the classic 80's movie, "Valley Girl"

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No Arcade mode in NFS3

by Clun » Tue, 06 Oct 1998 04:00:00

    If you drive most any /real/ performance car (assuming no TC) with lead
clogs on your feet, you'll wind up in a wall.  ;-)

And, yes, this goes for the Diablo, too; drove one last year at a corporate
"fun-day".  Still grinnin'  :-)

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