than when they released it. ABs are fortified now, and they've added a few
historically-accurate vehicles. It's a TOTALLY different game than when
they released it. It's the most ***ive thing I've ever played, barring
> WWII Online was fun. I have it, but don't feel like paying for it :) I
> bought it in June knowing there would be no good summer releases in racing
> sims. My friend got it too and we had many late summer nights playing it.
> Pretty fun, but by the time they made us pay, I hadn't played the game for
> about a month (school and new racing sims) so I dont plan on paying for it
> now.
> Thanks,
> Alex
> > .... until I get a better system. ;)
> > Hi, guys! Looking forward to getting back into racing, am happy to be
> > seeing all the familiar names..... Cliffy, Frankie, John, Eric B..
> > I've been hopelessly ***ed to a different type of sim, WWIIO.
> a
> > few of us from this group that are playing that with me nightly. If
> > game didn't make me buy a better system, the next NASCAR title surely
> will.
> > Wheeler99