I have the demo and if you're expecting a "finished" product, you will
be disappointed. You need to remember that this is only a demo, so
don't blow a fuse when you find out that:
1. There are no engine sounds (at least on my machine), but the
spotter sounds do work (very cool)
2. Very few of the options work
3. The two tracks are Atlanta and Watkins Glen (Sorry Dega lovers..)
4. The frame rate is pretty poor on my P75 with 16mb RAM (and Papyrus
says they are going to improve on that)
5. The 3-way mirror is like a mirror with clear glass in it. (i read
in the readme.txt that they were actually showing the cars in 3D and
that it would greatly affect the frame rate, so I may have been doing
something wrong)
6. The demo only supports one joystick, so if you have a wheel you
will not be able to use the pedals.
Looks like they still have a long way to go on this thing, but for a
quick hit demo it ain't too bad....
CR Ridley