method. At least one company a week WILL feel our wrath.
If you haven't heard, April 30th has been targeted as a one day
event to stay away from all gas stations. THIS WILL NOT WORK!
One day will not make an impact on the outrageous prices we are paying
for gas and the oil companies are laughing throughout their board rooms.
Starting April 11th we will strategically target the BIG oil companies
for ONE WEEK. Please do not buy gas at the stations on the following dates
listed below:
CHEVRON----------------------------------April 18th through April 25th
EXON-------------------------------------April 25th through May 2nd
SHELL------------------------------------May 2nd through May 9th
76---------------------------------------May 9th through May 16th
Texaco-----------------------------------May 16th through May 23rd
This will work if we all pull together .There is a strong perception
in northern California by the oil companies that consumers will pay
whatever the market will bear.
These weekly boycotts may be required on a continuous basis until the
message is clear that the unfair and unjustified high prices will not be
tolerated by the consumer.
Please forward this message to friends, family members, and anyone else
who will support this effort via email, fax, word of mouth etc
Mike Z
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