Papy dropped the ball -- they're NASCAR slaves these days, plain and
simple. We'll probably never see an open wheel sim from Papy because
they're too locked-in with the NASCAR gravy train. Quite a shame.
You have three choices these days:
IRL Heat 2000 mod for NASCAR Heat (Final release available)
CART Heat mod for NASCAR Heat (Beta release available)
CART CS2K for F1 Championship Season 2000 (Beta release available)
Basically, the IRL and CART licensing folks also dropped the ball by
allowing their licenses to be used exclusively by companies that
essentially HAVEN'T uses the licenses (Infogrames for the IRL and
Midway for CART). These exclusive license agreements have prevented
other developers or publishers from picking up the license for use.
The other main problem is that most developers and publishers don't
see a market for an IRL or CART sim -- they just don't feel the
audience is there, compared to the audience for F1 or NASCAR products.
Thankfully, the third-party developers have this area covered. <G>
-- JB