Some more thoughts on VROC-Racing....[Version1.2]

Markus Stiepe

Some more thoughts on VROC-Racing....[Version1.2]

by Markus Stiepe » Mon, 03 May 1999 04:00:00

Hi all!

I intend to post this in irregular intervals, adding new thoughts now and
then, so those of you who are new to GPL and VROC get the idea of how to
improve these events for the benefit of all others and for yourself. If this
gets annoying to you guys and gals, give me a note, if you find this
helpful, apply it.....I don't wanna look like a wise-crack, all I want is to
have fun playing GPL-Online:).......and plz excuse my rusty english, it's
been over 20 years that I've been in the states......

(with an assumed permission of requote by Michael Barlow)
Topic Start line accidents:  I've been paying attention to the start line
accidents. More specifically, what causes these crashes..  what I have found
is that some drivers sincerely believe that they have to get up to speed as
quickly as possible. Even if it means running over the car directly in front
of them.  I've started races where the driver in front of me doesn't push
the gas peddle when the green flag drops. making me sit there and wait for
what seems like an eternity as all the other drivers whizz by.  I'll slap
the gas and throw the car into first gear only to have to slam on the breaks
because of this.  If I didn't slam that brake peddle I would have ended up
like the guy just in front of him spinning and spinning from hitting the guy
in front of him.  what usually happens next is the guy in front of me will
then start off and wind his way through the crashed drivers with me
following. we both end up making it through the carnage without a scratch.
Think of the start as a fast moving pace lap, don't pass anyone till the
field has a chance to get sorted out. Even if that means waiting till lap 10
of an 11 lap race.  So, Rule of thumb: don't slap the gas down till the guy
in front of you has done so. And be ready to use the brakes.
Topic Turn one accidents: I've been involved in many accidents in the first
turn on the first lap. The ones that I've been involved in were from drivers
watching everything else but what's coming up.  Coming up to turn one, I've
made it through with a guy in front of me, a guy beside me and a guy on my
tail.  Because we ALL knew the turn was coming up, We each started to brake
early. Each driver broke(?) earlier then the one in front. By doing this we
all were able to keep that same distance between us and make it through the
turn quickly and evenly. (in fact, this happened through the entire lap)
So, Rule of thumb: Get on the brakes sooner then normal while following
someone into a corner. Slow down to a point where you think you're slow
enough, then slow down a bit more.

18 Steps to get a *clean* Windows for playing GPL online via VROC/SpyBoy
1:) Get your Win95/Win98-CD and copy the folder "eru" (to be found under
E:\other\misc\eru) onto your hard-drive. Read the "eru.txt" for instructions
on how to use it (very easy!).
2.) Use erd.exe to backup your current system-config, selecting *all* of the
proposed system-files.
3.) Start regedit.exe (to be found in C:\win95).
4.) Goto "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion" and
check the entries "Run", "RunOnce", "RunServices" and "RunServicesOnce":
there should be *no* entries in the right window, if there are, remove them
all! Don't be afraid, you backed up everything before (you did, didn't
ya?!), thus you can do no harm.
5.) Repeat step 4 in
6.) Repeat step 4 in
7.) Start sysedit.exe (to be found in C:\win95\system)
8.) Check "win.ini" for entries under "Run" and "Load" and remove them all!
9.) Open explorer.exe (to be found in C:\win95)
10.) Goto c:\win95\startmenu\programs\autostart
11.) Copy all files there to a new backup folder (for example "autostart
reserve") and delete the files in "Autostart".
12.) Remove all crap that makes your Desktop nicer (Backgrounds, sounds,
icons, screensavers, smooth-scrolling and so on), no1 needs this stuff.
13.) Use erd.exe again to make a backup of your new config (name it like
c:\erd\gplconfg.......8 letters max!)
14.) Turn off your computer.
15.) Turn it on again  (no ctrl+alt+del !!)
16.) Windows should now be running in a clean environment, *don't* start any
other programs as they flood your PC's memory again, just start your
Internet-Connection, start SpyBoy and......enjoy!
17.) To get back to your original-config, cold-boot again, when you see the
boot sequence, press Shift+F5 to get a DOS-Prompt.
18.) Goto the folder you saved the original-config to (C:\erd\original),
type "erd", select "restore all".....that's it.......and vice-versa if you
want to switch to your GPL-Config.

It could be that you have deleted items in Registry, Autostart or Win.ini
that are essential for either your modem, your sound-card or your
graphics -card (*very* unlikely though) and you will get problems starting
Windows or your Internet-Connection. If so, no problem, restore your
original config, do steps 3 to 13 again, this time looking a bit closer at
the stuff you are removing, maybe leaving the one or the other entry where
it is and try again, narrowing on the crucial entry like that.

Topic Start of Races: When on very crowded grids, I switch view using F10
until I've passed the first one or two corners, then I switch back to normal
cockpit-view. This gives a better overview of what's going on around you,
there are no mirrors, though, but if you are able to start in a straight
line, this is less a disadvantage, than F10 is of advantage (any1 understood
this sentence?).

Topic Manuals: I know it's boring and you want to get to the real stuff as
fast as possible, but a lot of problems would not occur if ppl would read
the instructions (RTFM) of each new program they use. For VROC it's
essential to setup your Dial-Up-Network correctly, look at the frame-rates
you're receiving under heavy traffic, install VROC-Software,
Spy-Boy-Software, core.ini's etc etc; all this has to be read about in the
corresponding places, so take an hour and get informed, it's not *that*

Topic Qualification for a Race: Often I would like to slap ppl with a large
trout (whatever that means..) when I'm on a flying lap and they're pitting
out right in front of me.......lap is ruined even without a crash. Guys, we
have the possibility to use the "live"-button in GPL, where you can see
who's about to cross start/finish, so press it and pit-out right behind the
flyer and don't race him! When on your warm-up-lap, don't go creeping around
at 20mph, run at 90% of your normal racing speed because 1. When a flyer
runs up to a creeper, mostly the flying lap is ruined and 2. You can build
up the rythm (rhythm?) for your own flying lap better this way........

Topic Chatting in GPL: Many drivers find it disturbing when those who
crashed out or just quit a race keep filling the chat with useless stuff. On
the one hand, it's up to them to turn the chat off, on the other hand you
would like to stay informed about the ongoing race......difficult to find a
satisfying solution here, maybe we all should cut down a little to the real
important stuff, moreso as we now have this great toy called Spy-Boy.

My 2-year old daughter now uses the toilet instead of her pants! This had to
be said  :-))

Topic Discipline: Some time ago I joined a GP-Race in Spa hosted by Rick
Sweeney and there were NO incidents on the start with 20
drivers.....incredible......why can't people discipline themselves and try
to equalize this "world-record"? Instead, mostly ppl try to get from last to
first in half a lap .....complete nonsense, just causes pileups and
frustration ;-((. To cool ppl down, I myself only host *Pro*-Races so if you
hit  something,.....bye....there should be a lot more of that......

Topic competition: Next thing is we wanna have fun while racing, right? My
driving-policy is, when in the lead and see no1 behind me, I wait (drive
slowly in *safe* places, don't stop, you get kicked if idle too long) for
others to catch up and race them again....who cares if I win a race (except
championship-races of course).....Same applies, if you're in 6th, guy behind
you spins and recovers, why not wait for him?.....I want competition, if I
wanna hotlap I can do that alone offline......

Topic Chat-Keys: Regarding last thought, maybe we all could agree on some
fixed short-message-keys for the in-car-chat (I for myself can't type and
drive at the same time, I know there are some of you out there who can
*fallingonmykneesandworship*), for example "W"= I am waiting, "?"=How many
drivers left in the race, "G"=gaps between drivers, "!"= watch out, I'm
spinning and so on.....Answers should be given by ppl watching the
race.....These keys then should be posted where everyone can see them while
in VROC-Netscape as well as in Spy-Boy.

Topic Bad Connections: Next issue is that ppl join races ignoring bad
ping-showings in SpyBoy or
VROC-Netscape, getting disco'd, trying again, blocking ppl with good con's
from joining, causing warping, and later complaining, what a shitty host is....;-((.....Guys'n'Gals, look at the pings *before* joining!!

In China a bicycle has been stolen.

Hope to see some nice clean racing soon!

Paul Jone

Some more thoughts on VROC-Racing....[Version1.2]

by Paul Jone » Mon, 03 May 1999 04:00:00

> [NEW]
> (with an assumed permission of requote by Michael Barlow)
> Topic Start line accidents:  I've been paying attention to the start line
> accidents. More specifically, what causes these crashes..  what I have found
> is that some drivers sincerely believe that they have to get up to speed as
> quickly as possible. Even if it means running over the car directly in front
> of them.  I've started races where the driver in front of me doesn't push
> the gas peddle when the green flag drops. making me sit there and wait for
> what seems like an eternity as all the other drivers whizz by.  I'll slap
> the gas and throw the car into first gear only to have to slam on the breaks
> because of this.  If I didn't slam that brake peddle I would have ended up
> like the guy just in front of him spinning and spinning from hitting the guy
> in front of him.  what usually happens next is the guy in front of me will
> then start off and wind his way through the crashed drivers with me
> following. we both end up making it through the carnage without a scratch.
> Think of the start as a fast moving pace lap, don't pass anyone till the
> field has a chance to get sorted out. Even if that means waiting till lap 10
> of an 11 lap race.  So, Rule of thumb: don't slap the gas down till the guy
> in front of you has done so. And be ready to use the brakes.
> Topic Turn one accidents: I've been involved in many accidents in the first
> turn on the first lap. The ones that I've been involved in were from drivers
> watching everything else but what's coming up.  Coming up to turn one, I've
> made it through with a guy in front of me, a guy beside me and a guy on my
> tail.  Because we ALL knew the turn was coming up, We each started to brake
> early. Each driver broke(?) earlier then the one in front. By doing this we
> all were able to keep that same distance between us and make it through the
> turn quickly and evenly. (in fact, this happened through the entire lap)
> So, Rule of thumb: Get on the brakes sooner then normal while following
> someone into a corner. Slow down to a point where you think you're slow
> enough, then slow down a bit more.

I completely agree - I wish people would take the start and T1 slower. Sometimes
you can absolutely count on those start and T1 incidents. I've found Monza and
the Glen the worst tracks in this respect, with Silverstone and Kyalami ***
their heels. I guess this is because there are more rookies at these circuits.
Pro settings don't help - you just lose the chance to get back into the race
when someone else takes you out and thus waste all that time qualifying.

Improves the frame rate as well.

At many tracks it should be possible to pull out of the pits without interfering
with oncoming cars - eg Monza, Kyalami and Silverstone. The problem is often
turn 1 by which time no one has any excuse not to know that there is a faster
car coming up. Often the biggest problem is having 2 cars coming past because
GPL only shows you one of these until the first is completely past you. You may
have intended to slot in just behind the first car only to discover at the last
moment that you are baulking a driver whom you had no idea was there. Using the
live view may help but, on tracks like Silverstone where the pit lane is so long
or where your garage is right at the beginning of the pit lane, it can be pretty
hard to judge how far back it has to be clear. Besides GPL doesn't give you a
fixed camera to watch the track from.

I reckon people should either turn chatting off, learn to read it without
spoliing your race or learn to ignore it. The Spy boy chat is great but you
can't watch the race from there.


As I said before Pro damage just takes out people who are not at fault as well
as those who are.

Yeah, you're right. I must confess that I have been guilty of this once or
twice, but on reflection, it's just not worth it.


Michael Barlo

Some more thoughts on VROC-Racing....[Version1.2]

by Michael Barlo » Mon, 03 May 1999 04:00:00

Look at the "Comments" field too.  How the heck can you not see "ONLY F3s"  All in
capital letters?

Mike Barlow of Barlow Racing?
MikeBa on the TEN network.
Member of R.O.R. 1999
Racing online with the help of......

Race Communications Association

Holodyne Engineering

Mystic Music

< 1K Download

Some more thoughts on VROC-Racing....[Version1.2]

by DJacob » Sun, 09 May 1999 04:00:00

>Look at the "Comments" field too.  How the heck can you not see "ONLY F3s"
>All in
>capital letters?

It's easy if you have SPYBOY in a window and don't scroll over to the comments.
 That doesn't make it right, but it is easy to do.  It seems like it is harder
to make the F3 cars competitive than the F1's.  Keep up the good work , you are
a great host.
Don Jacobs
Rob Gil

Some more thoughts on VROC-Racing....[Version1.2]

by Rob Gil » Tue, 11 May 1999 04:00:00

I know this sounds like a lame solution, but it works for me.  How do I avoid the
carnage at the starts of races? I qual on the front row.  I pay attention to how
many cars are on the front row, and what grid the host is using.  Obviously its not
always possible to qaul well, but you can do certain things to help.  For example,.
dont join a race if your not going to have enough time to get some good qual laps
in.  And of course, practice offline!  That includes starts, just because your on
the front row doesnt mean your home free, you still have to get off the line and
space yourself from the field to avoid getting smacked in the back going into turn
one.  I pride myself as an excellent starter, consistent and fast.  My general
formula is as follows
1) First, use the clutch.  I use the enter key on the key pad because its easy to
reach around my wheel
2) Get the engine revs up to a few hundred under the red line, with clutch in
4) It appears that when online you somtimes cant put the car in gear untill all cars
a present?  Regardless, get the car in first gear
5) Be ready before the flag goes up (I know, obvious)
6) When the flag moves let the clutch go, you have to be gentle on the gas at this
point.  If you dont give it enough, the revs will drop and you'll "stall".  You want
your wheels to spin, but not smoke.  This is the part that takes a lot of practice,
you can very easily get "Squirly". As soon as you feel the car start to grab, drop
it into second.
7) Full throttle at this point

This is only from the FRONT ROW, or possibly if your on the outside at a track like
Monza or The Ring.  DONT do this if your mid-pack, If you get a great start, you'll
run into the back of someone, or you'll loose it and take out half the field.  Dont
think you can snake through the front runners and use your great start, cause it
never works!!  Practice off-line
Hope this helps some people


Some more thoughts on VROC-Racing....[Version1.2]

by ^Frett » Wed, 12 May 1999 04:00:00

First Rob I am really sorry! But how many online racers wouldnt want to be
on the front line? Send this to one of the league racers or hot-lappers & see
what they say? Have you raced in "Pro" yet on GSB with some of the good
racers? Spa alone you better be below a 3:15-16.xx to race..
Cheers Thom_j.

> I know this sounds like a lame solution, but it works for me.  How do I avoid the
> carnage at the starts of races? I qual on the front row.  I pay attention to how
> many cars are on the front row, and what grid the host is using.  Obviously its not
> always possible to qaul well, but you can do certain things to help.  For example,.
> dont join a race if your not going to have enough time to get some good qual laps
> in.  And of course, practice offline!  That includes starts, just because your on
> the front row doesnt mean your home free, you still have to get off the line and
> space yourself from the field to avoid getting smacked in the back going into turn
> one.  I pride myself as an excellent starter, consistent and fast.  My general
> formula is as follows
> 1) First, use the clutch.  I use the enter key on the key pad because its easy to
> reach around my wheel
> 2) Get the engine revs up to a few hundred under the red line, with clutch in
> 4) It appears that when online you somtimes cant put the car in gear untill all cars
> a present?  Regardless, get the car in first gear
> 5) Be ready before the flag goes up (I know, obvious)
> 6) When the flag moves let the clutch go, you have to be gentle on the gas at this
> point.  If you dont give it enough, the revs will drop and you'll "stall".  You want
> your wheels to spin, but not smoke.  This is the part that takes a lot of practice,
> you can very easily get "Squirly". As soon as you feel the car start to grab, drop
> it into second.
> 7) Full throttle at this point

> This is only from the FRONT ROW, or possibly if your on the outside at a track like
> Monza or The Ring.  DONT do this if your mid-pack, If you get a great start, you'll
> run into the back of someone, or you'll loose it and take out half the field.  Dont
> think you can snake through the front runners and use your great start, cause it
> never works!!  Practice off-line
> Hope this helps some people is a usenet newsgroup formed in December, 1993. As this group was always unmoderated there may be some spam or off topic articles included. Some links do point back to as we could not validate the original address. Please report any pages that you believe warrant deletion from this archive (include the link in your email). is in no way responsible and does not endorse any of the content herein.