Rally 1, Rally 2 and Rally 3: that kind of things happen once in a while,
during gameplay. It happened in Max Payne and in Rally Trophy. What is
curious is that in other pretty intensive graphic games like Medal of Honor
and/or Return to Castle Wolfenstein, I don't have any problem at all.
Rally 4: take a look at that pattern right in the midde. This happens in
almost every game.
Win XP - Home edition
Dell P4 1.8
512 Mb RAM (RDRAM)
SoundBlaster Live Value
Geforce3 Ti200
I had those problems with the generic drivers from Dell (WHQL certified). I
have just installed the drivers from the Nvidia site (23.11). Those drivers
are not WHQL certified. No significant gain in 3DMark2001 SE, except for
the Pixel Shading (the fish thing, near the end of the benchmark) that now
runs smooth while it did not realy ran well we the drivers from Dell.
No problem with Dxdiag.
Help.... thoughts... Anything but having to buy a Geforce4...