To One and All,
I bought Power F1 this morning...promplty returning it tomorrow (lucky I
have a shrink-wrapping machine ;-) ). Let me give you all the low-down
on it. 1) Geez, I thought GP2 was a processor-hog... 2) Whoa, anything
that's more controllable from the keyboard than a ThrustMaster GP1 must
be bad... 3) Like Mike Carver, I'll be more careful when looking at an
F1 sim with an IndyCar on the front... 4) You know it's bad when you
like the free game more than the one you paid money for (Big Red Racing
vs. Power F1)... 5) This is like The Need for Speed with F1 cars,
slower frames/sec, horrid menu system (i.e. three different option menus
from the main, no sound or graphic options available except view
Now, my question for the day. And I need a quick answer, for I am
returning PF1 Friday, noonish. Does Sega Rally Championship live up to
the arcade game? What are the system requirements? How about
playability (can I turn timed mode off?)? Someone who owns it or did at
one time, PLEASE give me an honest review, as I have above for PF1.
Thank everyone in advance,
John :|: