> >yet? If not whatch it, there is a law saying you may not make money of
> >of there products unless the give you a write letter saying you can.
> >So, for your sakes, if you don't got it, put it out for free. Please do.
> >I want' the full, but wont pay until that section is straighened out.
> So, what are you so pissed about Mark? I personally believe that what
> David has done with this program is a good thing, and he has every right
> on earth to ask for compensation...I think I saw somewhere that if you
> don't aggree with this, then create your own converter.
> Also, David isn't making any money off N2, he's asking for compensation
> to his own program. From what I can tell, his program uses no Papy code,
> but instead uses David's own conversion routines (I think he explains this
> in his readme.txt).
> Also, you indicate that you "get the point" with David's posting of a
> pirate
> ready to break the law. I really don't think you're too clear on this
> one.
> I'm a little surprised to hear such comments from you Mark. I had thought
> you were more level headed and fair minded than this.
> FWIW, I would consider anyone posting converted tracks to be every bit
> a software pirate as though they had posted a full track...As a matter of
> fact, David's program is technically protected under international
> copyright
> laws, so if anyone wishes to post a track, they'll not only have to deal
> with Papyrus and Sierra, but also David Noonan.
> Best Regards,
> Marc
> Marc J. Nelson
> The Sim Project
You have made a comment here which I feel must be addressed. In order
to make the ICR2 tracks work with N2, alterations must be made to files
written by Papy. Otherwise, anyone could just copy the files over to
their N2 directory without complications. As for the international
copywright, It takes more than just writing a program for it to be
copywrighted. There are very long and difficult processes involved
ingetting copywrights, especially at the international level. As I have
stated before, I have no problems with Dave's program or his desire to
profit from his work, however, one must keep the facts straight.
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