I agree, something definitely feels different, feels like I can push
the car harder and still keep it on the track,
what wheel are you using, I'm using MSFF, maybe theve tweaked the
controls slightly.
On another note about 1.1 / 1.2 dirrerences, on my low spec
system (p233mmx voodoo1 64meg ram) it also seems to run slower.
With 1.1 I was suffering with slo/mo, and no matter what graphics etc. I
turned on
or off I would always read 24 to 28 FPS, but in training it always ran
reasonably smooth,
and in single race it was still playable after the first bend or so.
Now with 1.2, no slo/mo but lots of slow down,
I get different/appropriate frame rates with different graphics settings,
even with everything turned off (about 30 to 34 FPS) the screen seems to
slowly, It sometimes looks more like 8 to 10 FPS. And forget racing it's
any ideas anyone.
London UK
Yamaha TRX850