they do sooner or later get bored by it, and that could be a curse. Personally
I've tried a lot of things in my 35 year old life; tennis, soccer, karate, golf,
swimming, skiing, sex... :o). Sooner or later I reach a point where I dont think
it's as fun as it used to be and later down the road I get bored. I wonder if I
have had a worse memory, so every time I did something it would be as fun as the
first time I did it, would be a better solution...
Perhaps you're now thinking I should start to do something new... Well, how long
can you do that before starting something new gets boring???
/Chrille, with a rant on life :o)
> I'm actually bored with it!!!!!!
> Yep.. not that it isn't a great sim.. but the fact that every single race
> is the same.. online, offline.. the same conditions.. same setup.. same ..
> SAME.. :-)
> I can't wait for GP3 where we will have dinamic weather.. where setup will
> actually be NEEDED!!!! and you will have to change the steup to suit the
> weather conditions..
> Pit stops.. etc.. just somthing different.. because I've just got sick
> of Legneds :-)
> Oh well.. too much of a good thing........
> James Pickard,
> Melbourne
> GPL Australian Champion - Season 1 (Read all about the "Global online
racing"-proposal under "For developers". Read it a couple of times, cause noone
has understood it the first time they've read it yet :o)).