finally killed off rascar, because its "such an important part of racing."
Um, no.
To me, racing is about completing a certain distance in the shortest amount
of time. Those who drive the fastest tend to win. If you wreck, you wreck,
why should we compromise the whole race just for you? You wanna win a fuel
mileage race? Shoulda been a truck driver.
We raced online, with lag, and with people of different skills. The
difference between us and the pickup servers is that we all intended to race
clean. In a green flag only race with these kind of people, we would have
had magnificent races. Just look how fun the road course races were. It was
because we werent driving around with our thumbs up our asses for 2 hours.
Even if you arent on the lead lap, its still fun to race.
With green flags, the field would spread, causing less wrecks, and the
fastest person would win the race. What a ***ing concept.
But no, you had to have your yellows. And look what you got out of it.