GPL...cable modems...any catch?


GPL...cable modems...any catch?

by de_sheph.. » Tue, 14 Mar 2000 04:00:00

better than 0kb/s. Sadly installer arrived 6 hours late and wasn't able
to complete the external work up the pole (as by then it was 9pm and
heavy rain) so when he did that the next day I wasn't in so we couldn't
confirm connection worked .... which it didn't. After a brief
conversation with tech support (they confirmed that they couldn't "see"
the modem from their end) they scheduled an engineer visit at the first
opportunity ... which was FIVE weeks later (after complaining I was even
told I'd been elevated to the "must fix asap" list but no earlier date
has been forthcoming) - so hopefully by the end of this week something
may have been sorted out. Perhaps then I can see if it helps with GPL

Sorry, this is off GPL-topic but, as you may gather, I'm a little less

taking 5 weeks to sort out an outage is reasonable)! At least I managed
to convince them to give me an extra months credit so that my free trial
month of their "no risk deal(tm)" covers a month when I can actually use
the servive to determine if its worth keeping.

> never had a download slower than 10kb/s and I've hit 78 with averages
> 40 (time of day dependent of course)

> Marshall McLean

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Before you buy.

GPL...cable modems...any catch?

by MichaelJ » Wed, 15 Mar 2000 04:00:00


You guys don't know how lucky you are. The best I can do here in the
internet-challenged UK is 64K on ISDN:-(((

- Michael

Doug Gordo

GPL...cable modems...any catch?

by Doug Gordo » Wed, 15 Mar 2000 04:00:00

> block incoming connection. Not a problem with
> ADSL though.

Is that correct that you can't host a race? I seem to recall that

  Doug Gordon

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Before you buy.

George M. Smile

GPL...cable modems...any catch?

by George M. Smile » Wed, 15 Mar 2000 04:00:00

> Is that correct that you can't host a race? Could this be more

 - George

Don Scurlo

GPL...cable modems...any catch?

by Don Scurlo » Wed, 15 Mar 2000 04:00:00

That does it. I've got Rogers Wave now and I'm going ADSL as some as
it's in the neighborhood.

>> Is that correct that you can't host a race? Could this be more


> - George

Don Scurlock
Steve Garrot

GPL...cable modems...any catch?

by Steve Garrot » Thu, 16 Mar 2000 04:00:00

just got a Road Runner and we can race with each other rather well. I
have had some discos, but only after I installed my voodoo2 adapter to
compliment my TNT2.


>> block incoming connection. Not a problem with
>> ADSL though.

>Is that correct that you can't host a race? I seem to recall that

>addresses. Could this be more a function of your cable provider vs. the

>  Doug Gordon

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