I've had a 19" Sony flatscreen CRT for 6 years or so and finally decided
to switch to an LCD. The one I got is the Viewsonic VX924. What a
gorgeous monitor!
I've tried three games, all play fine in their set resolutions:
Top Spin Tennis (800x600)
UT2004 (1024x768)
GTR (1024x768)
My video card is a 128MB GF4 Ti4600; that's the next thing I'll be
- F50 GT
> I just run everything in the native resolution, which in my case is
> 1280X1024. Works fine for me.
> If you buy a wide-screen or bigger monitor with a native res higher than
> that you do have to take into consideration you comptuers abilitiy to push
> that many pixels.
> Mine can, so I'm good.
> Ths is, however, why I haven't bought silent hunder 3. They locked the res
> to 1024X768 (dumb-asses).
> -Larry
>>I would love to get a LCD panel to save space, but how do you all deal with
>>the pathetic views in non-native resolution? I can't even run all my
>>racing sims in one resolution let alone desktop apps as well! I haven't
>>seen an LCD panel yet that doesn't look like shit when it is outside its
>>native range. Am I missing something?
>>At least the response rates are now coming down to acceptable (4 to 8 ms)
>>if you are willing to spend $$$, but I still don't get how to resolve the
>>resolution quandary.
>>>Hey all,
>>>I am looking at replacing my 19" Sony crt with a new 19" lcd ( tft?)
>>>Seems like I recall someone in here mentioning good things about this
>>>Would appreciate any advice.
>>>Don Burnette
>>>"When you decide something is impossible to do, try to stay out of the
>>>way of the man that's doing it."