>> HA! What about when running games? Ya know you can play for many many
>> hours at a time, even days!.
>> Then when not playing the doorstop is off! 600 to 1000 watts is pretty
>> much the standard today for *** rigs.
>> Watts is Watts, what is so hard to understand? BTW my Dual Xeon's will
>> never "Throttle Back"!
> Watts = volts x amps. If I throttle the cpu it is using less watts and
> runs cooler just like your door stop. Only it can ramp up to run the
> latest games when needed. I bet you use a CRT too which uses far more
> watts and puts out far more heat than my LCD.
You don't have a clue what you're talking about. Even *if* you go into
standby - where you can't use the computer at *all*, The power supply is
still consuming more power. A 600 watt power supply (not unreasonable
these days) wastes more at "idle" that a 250 watt PS would running full
tilt (what they had back in the 486 days). And then there's the monitor.
It has it's *own* power supply. And if you have cable/DSL there's another
drain that *doesn't* go into "sleep" mode *ever*. Aside from that, they
stopped putting turbo switches in computers when the pentium came out, so
they *always* run at full speed, unlike before.
BTW the term for power consumption is *power*. Watts is the quantity of power
used, not the noun.