I wish somebody would let the cat out of the bag. Sadly, it has to
get worse before it can ever get better. Raise the visibility and
force Papy to deal with it. They won't do shit until it starts
affecting the bottom line.
> I figured as much the night I was in an "arcade" pickup race at WG and 4 or
> 5 guys were doing 1:12's. I won't mention their names, because they are too
> well known, but they were bragging about having "hybrid" race cars.
> So, how do these "cheats" get around the checksum "cheat checker" in the
> N2K2 servers?
> TP
> > > I have a client replay of a guy doing more than 10000rpm just before
> Scierie
> > > at Rouen on two different laps. On these laps he did a 1:57 and a 1:58,
> > > whereas before with everything normal rpm-wise his laptimes used to be
> in
> > > the 2:05 range.
> > > In these laps he also exits from Grsil about 8mph slower than I would
> and
> > > yet manages to reach 196mph (and still brake in time for Scierie),
> whereas
> > > I, although I should reach a higher speed than him (spoiler 60 here)
> only
> > > get to about 194 if I still want to brake in time for Scierie.
> > > Another guy in the replay does the same rpm but only reaches something
> in
> > > the 170mph range in terms of speed.
> > > Has anyone seen or heard similar reports - is it a new cheat or just
> > > warping?
> > It's not new per se, I've said this before Achim, I'll lap you at WG
> > anytime :-)
> > Beers and cheers
> > (uncle) Goy
> > http://www.theuspits.com
> > "A man is only as old as the woman he feels........"
> > --Groucho Marx--