> Considering console games are $60 I'd say $40 for Vista is pretty bad
> estimate based on cost/complexity ratios. I guess even at $40 with the
> sheer volume they would still get rich but in any case I see it as a worthy
> successor to XP for $150 when I do my next system upg.. YMMV.
> It's good to see MS clarify the activation situation in our favor (unlimited
> reactivations). As I said all along based on the evidence publicly
> available the Vista activation mechanism will be no different than XP and
> low n behold guess what..... It is the same...
> Screamers like Trev and Critter are usually wrong and this episode of "The
> days of RAS" once again highlights their ignorance at the expense of reason
> and wisdom.
> Mitch
it. It's too complicated for you.