the system requirements for the VGA mode ? For the SVGA mode ? How realistic
is it supposed to be ?
Thank you for the reply.
Some german magazines made tests a few days ago. You need 16 MB RAM to
play the game. You need a P90 to play it in VGA and a P133 (much better
P166) to play it in SVGA. This is not a joke and I am not kidding !!! Less
power lets play you a stratagie game.
It seems to be the most realistic raceing simulation on the market. They
wrote, that you need much more time to get a good setup than in Indycar II
(cause of the options).
They simply loved the game :-)))
Cant wait any longer.....
Austin, Tx
Scott Pruett 1996 PPG Cup Champion!
I hope all you impatient types have won F1GP on ACE level with NO help
options turned on. It's easier on 100% race because you can easily gain
time in the event BRUNDLE nudges you off the track.
Anyone on the BT Wireplay trial?
Damn... I've been waiting so long and now figure out that I can't play
it with my setup. Maybe I should go and kill myself...
>>Anyone on the BT Wireplay trial?
>I am, but I haven't heard anything from BT since a phone call about 3
>or 4 weeks ago to confirm I would be taking part in the trial. I
>assume the trial hasn't actually started yet - unless you know
>different :)
> I hope all you impatient types have won F1GP on ACE level with NO help
> options turned on. It's easier on 100% race because you can easily gain
> time in the event BRUNDLE nudges you off the track.
Mfg J?rg
>Mfg J?rg
>>Anyone on the BT Wireplay trial?
>I am, but I haven't heard anything from BT since a phone call about 3
>or 4 weeks ago to confirm I would be taking part in the trial. I
>assume the trial hasn't actually started yet - unless you know
>different :)
I have recieved info and telling me that the software will be sent in
the next few weeks. I will post something when it arrives.
I have also heard from a BT insider that at present the Wireplay
system will only emulate a com port so it will just be 2 player games
(a la modem play) in the meantime. This is very disappointing. We
can do this already by phoning each other - what we want is a Kali
type system where for all intents and purposes we are on a LAN and can
play multiplayer (ie in this case > 2) games.
Come on BT!
(\/)ark /\ (\/)cCall
Northern Ireland
"My friends tell me I am a gadget freak ........... Moi !
I consider it a healthy interest in Computers, Home Cinema, RC Models,
Hi-Fi, Satellite TV, Mobile Phones, In-car CD, Pocket Televisions.....
.....and all those other things that a man can't live without ! "
>>zum Thema "World Circuits 2 Grand Prix":
>>> Does anyone know when WC2GP is supposed to be released in the US ? What are
>>> the system requirements for the VGA mode ?
>>Some german magazines made tests a few days ago. You need 16 MB RAM to
>>play the game. You need a P90 to play it in VGA and a P133 (much better
>>P166) to play it in SVGA.
>JeeZ! What about all the people who WANT to play it but dont have
>money to spring for a Pentium 133 AND 16MB?
>I have a dx-4 100. lame i know. in June I will be getting 1 (ONLY 1)
>of the following: 8 more megs of RAM (making my total 16 megs) OR a
>Pentium 133.
>Now for some reason Microprose thinks that the WHOLE game playing
>world lives in the U.S.A where prices are low! (I live in Israel).
Last year I needed an excuse to treat myself to a Pentium120 and 32
MEGS of RAM ... GP2 was just the excuse I needed ... now I'm still
waiting and they are talking about a Pentium133 :-(
Somehow I think the power needs have been overstated ... otherwise
Microprose are into a whole new niche. How do you drag all those
Doomers down to playing race simulators.
Tony Sanders
New Zealand ... absolutely, positively nuclear-free,
and absolutely OS/2 Warped.
> >Some german magazines made tests a few days ago. You need 16 MB RAM to
> >play the game. You need a P90 to play it in VGA and a P133 (much better
> >P166) to play it in SVGA. This is not a joke and I am not kidding !!! Less
> >power lets play you a stratagie game.
> >Cant wait any longer.....
> Me neither, with my DX4-120/8MB :-(
> Damn... I've been waiting so long and now figure out that I can't play
> it with my setup. Maybe I should go and kill myself...