Steeeeve! Is that you hiding under the bridge?
dave henrie
Huh? Are you saying I'm trolling? Why?
OK, thanks.
Thought so....Fairly well known subject and fairly easy to find with
Google. Sounded like an add those *** sites run...."hey guys, has anyone
heard of this cool site?"
If not, my apologies...
dave henrie
....oh of course, you're right. We have a sophisticated team of people
scouting newsgroups, forums etc. trying to lure suckers foolish enough to
hand over big bucks to participate in this event... <evil laugh>
Er..ok...apology accepted <g>
Actually I've looked at that site and I still don't have a clue what it's
really all about.
A series of online races, based on the various Lienz layouts, that will
be run by the RACER/FILSCA organizations. They will run the races during
April, I'm assuming they will run every Saturday. But that much hasn't
been stated yet.