>> > patch 1.07. I don't know that too many people will show a lot of
>> > interest in F1RS 2 since GP3 will no doubt be around by then.
>> ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
>> Man, you are an optimist... ;^)
> Now Ronny, you know something we don't know? Got a release date on
>F1RS 2? If they release F1RS 2 in the next 12 months they should be
>hung. I say this because they should patch F1RS till it's perfect within
>it's design parameters instaed of rushing off to start F1RS 2. But these
>days, who am I kidding, hahahahahahahahaha!
Sure, but neither you or anyone outside of the development team knows
what the design parameters are, so I'm not expecting any more features
than what was in the original release. The only thing that I require
in a game release is that it doesn't crash on a majority of system
configurations. This has not been entrely achieved (at least on my
system in all areas of the program). If a company feels like
releasing a patch that adds some features, then this is a bonus, but
not something to expect or require.
as well as different samples for accel / de-accel and adding effects
of bumps on the engine rpm.
Also, the general slow-speed spin model seems to be non-existant wrt
the perpetual spinning regardless of accelerator or steering input.
3 and 5 don't affect me but I'm sure that with a P5 and reliance on
D3D, there would be a considerable performance penalty.
As stated above, I think these are all worthy features for a new
version. I could list about a hundred additional effects that I would
like to see in a future simulation, but I'm sure that the development
team that created F1RS is quite capable of thinking of these things as
well. Its just a matter of how much time and resources are available
between needing to generate some income.
I agree about the grass effect, even though I am gradually spending
less time in that environment. :)
I don't mind at all that Ubisoft is working on a new version of the
game as I can understand the need to define a cutoff point after which
any more work is considered a new product. And I don't mind at all
paying $50 per year for a constantly improving and up-to-date F1 sim.