>>As always a personal wish but...
>>1. Why the hell can't you print (or save to disk) the car setups?
>> With the detail of the current setup its an absolute pain in
>> the a... to write it all down.
>>2. In testing it would have been nice to get a print (or disk file)
>> of the car status (tyres, plank, fuel level etc) as well as the
>> sessions laps.
>> God knows if one were crazy they might be tempted to write
>> an little tool to suck this information up into a data base where
>> one could play some games.
Well, I was wondering, are there any weather effects in the game ?
Now some of my suggestions : it would be great that the game could be
made a bit more 'open', for example that you can color your own car.
A good example for this is Nascar Car Racing. In that way, you can
always drive inbetween the most uptodate cars.
Or that the 1996 rules could be included. I really like the 1994
rules, and I'm even wrestingling with the car-setups now, but though I
think it's a bit a pain in the ass that you can't drive with the 1996
rules. The car almost completely changed in comaprison of 1994. And
there is also a 107% rule to get slowies from the race.
Maybe this could be changed by making a patch for the game ?
Another nice feature would be that you can put your car in a
windtunnel, so you even can make some other slight changes to the
aerodynamics. I know that this could be difficult to handle for
newbies, even for me probably, but I it would make the game completely
off ! making your own car, imagine... why else would Microsoft make a
program where you can design your own plane to use in Flight Simulator
There is only one track that I'm missing, and that is the current
Europe Track, Nurnburgring... maybe it would be great to add or remove
Well I guess that's all I can think of at the moment, maybe you'll
know more.