
Kevin Fairbrothe


by Kevin Fairbrothe » Wed, 02 Sep 1998 04:00:00

Anybody got any good gen on setting up your car for F1rs, i've recently
bought it and it's my first time at adriving sim and no matter what i do i
can't keep on the track unless i go dead slow...the manual isn't that

If anybody has a fact sheet or good methods of doing set ups mail them to me

Laurence Lindstr


by Laurence Lindstr » Sat, 05 Sep 1998 04:00:00

>Anybody got any good gen on setting up your car for F1rs, i've recently
>bought it and it's my first time at adriving sim and no matter what i do i
>can't keep on the track unless i go dead slow...the manual isn't that

   You need to look at  This site has a lot of
good stuff about F1RS.  One of the particularly interesting bits is
guy cote's setups.  Download the car setups for the tracks that
interest you, unzip them, and place those setups in your F1RS\saved\
settings directory.  When you select a track, before you start to race,
go to the garage and click on load.  Select "setups", or "car setups"
and you will see a list of files.  If you downloaded more than one,
you need to select the track, lower right screen, to filter out other
tracks.  Select race, if you are racing in the dry.  These setups are
great.  Another important resource at f1racingsim is the latest
patches for F1RS.  

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