Driving frame/seat for wheel & pedals.

Peter Gag

Driving frame/seat for wheel & pedals.

by Peter Gag » Wed, 02 Sep 1998 04:00:00

Has anyone used either the "Video Interactor" made by G & C
Engineering, or the "F1 Dino Chassis" from Ballracing Developments?

They are both F1 style frame & seats which you attach your steering
wheel and pedals to, for that *real* feel while you are driving your
sims. (Yes, saddo that I am, I'm considering getting one!)


The Video Interactor is around 100.00 (mass produced and it looks
cheap?) & the Dino Chassis is around 600.00 (hand built and looks very
professionals and sturdy?) I'm leaning towards the cheapo purely cos
money's tight, (or I might even attempt to build one or adapt the
cheapo myself if I get really desperate!) but want opinions from any
other happy users that might be out there, or info on any other similar


NB: Apologies if you read this elsewhere......

*Peter*    8-)
(NB: remove asterix to e-mail)

Ian Parke

Driving frame/seat for wheel & pedals.

by Ian Parke » Thu, 03 Sep 1998 04:00:00

>Has anyone used either the "Video Interactor" made by G & C
>Engineering, or the "F1 Dino Chassis" from Ballracing Developments?

>They are both F1 style frame & seats which you attach your steering
>wheel and pedals to, for that *real* feel while you are driving your
>sims. (Yes, saddo that I am, I'm considering getting one!)


(or I might even attempt to build one or adapt the

What I have done is to buy a used car seat from a breaker's for 15, then I
mounted it on to an old hifi stand lying front up  on the floor infront of
the desk. I removed the right hand side drawer's from the desk and installed
the pedals at a slight angle in the space. The wheel then was too far from
the seat so I had to extend the desk using a piece of MDF. This has proved
to be a solid system and above all a comfortable way of racing, although
slotting your legs in can be tricky:-).

Ian P

Remco Moe

Driving frame/seat for wheel & pedals.

by Remco Moe » Thu, 03 Sep 1998 04:00:00

>Has anyone used either the "Video Interactor" made by G & C
>Engineering, or the "F1 Dino Chassis" from Ballracing Developments?

>They are both F1 style frame & seats which you attach your steering
>wheel and pedals to, for that *real* feel while you are driving your
>sims. (Yes, saddo that I am, I'm considering getting one!)

Me too.

Do you've any URL? Or other information?

BRD has also announced a "flat pack" which uses a kart seat. Do you've
any information about that? The "Dino" is to big for me, no way I can
store that thing if needed.


P Gag

Driving frame/seat for wheel & pedals.

by P Gag » Thu, 03 Sep 1998 04:00:00

Hmmm, I was thinking of maybe buying a decent car seat from a
breakers yard, and bolting it to a steel frame, maybe made from angle
iron "L" pieces? I want it to be adjustable though, not just one
size? and I've got two different wheel and pedal set-ups (T2 & F1
Sim) and may get yet another (ECCI?) so the wheel and pedal mounts
have to be adaptable too?

What? me? fussy! Nahhhhhh!


*Peter* 8-)

Richard Walke

Driving frame/seat for wheel & pedals.

by Richard Walke » Thu, 03 Sep 1998 04:00:00

No, but...


Funnily enough, I was thinking about buying one myself.  I had noticed that
my steering wheel and pedals (OK, they are only cheapo ones!) move around
far too much when I'm playing and wanted a solution.

But... I saw the price, and, well, they are not really worth it, are they?!

So, my solution was to build my own!  I found an old nest table, and hacked
off two of the legs, fitted two more at a different angle, mounted the
pedals, and 'sort of' made a seat.  Lovely!

I've got it all screwed to the floor, so nothing moves an inch.  I could do
this, because it's all in the loft.  I suppose it depends on your

I'd recommend you try DIY, before spending /that/ much!


"Cellophane flowers of yellow and green.  Towering over your head."

Ian Parke

Driving frame/seat for wheel & pedals.

by Ian Parke » Thu, 03 Sep 1998 04:00:00

the wheel and pedal mounts

The pedal base is adjustable for angle (using a few screws from the side,
The seat I got came complete with the slider's and the mechanism so it
slides fore and aft about 10 inches . Friend's between 5foot 2 and 6 foot
have found it comfortable to use. You could use different MDF bases to swap
the different wheels, just use G clamps.

Ian P

L. Andre Min

Driving frame/seat for wheel & pedals.

by L. Andre Min » Thu, 03 Sep 1998 04:00:00

Lots of Guys Posting about a seat/wheel/pedals/F1 pod...

AHA! Is it just me, or am I noticing a trend in these posts? That is:
The majority of them appear to have UK origins!!!  AT LAST!... Brits
that are more eccentric than us Yanks! ;-)  AH what a feeling!

Andre Ming

P.S. I confess... it DOES sound interesting... sitting in a modern
Ferarri F1***pit replica letting it all hang out at Monza... yeah...
that could be fun.  As a matter of fact, seeing as I'm a trail
motorcycle rider, I have a helmet, riding gloves,etc... shoot... I could
REALLY get into my racing then!!!   8^p

Michael C Wallac

Driving frame/seat for wheel & pedals.

by Michael C Wallac » Thu, 03 Sep 1998 04:00:00

No wonder money's tight!!   ;-)

Have you checked out Wallys page - can't recall the link but he uses a
hydrualic ram to tip the seat (fast) for that real accelerate and brake
feeling. If your completely nuts about realism (and he admits that he
is) it could be just the ticket but *be sure to check the seat travel
before sitting in front of your monitor*

....maybe a helmet or six-point harness should be used here...

Good luck
Mike Wallace

Bart Westr

Driving frame/seat for wheel & pedals.

by Bart Westr » Fri, 04 Sep 1998 04:00:00

I have an ECCI CDS2R. It it designed to be used in the normal position one
has behind a computer. The wheel stands rock solid on my desk without any
attachment, and I put it out of the way when finished racing. The pedals
stand on the carpet without attachment either. They are not upright like in
a car, but more horizontal to enable use without strain for someone sitting
at a desk. So nothing special is needed to get a stable cofiguration.
It might add to the realism when you build it into a more car-like setting
though, which is also very well possible, especially with the new CDS4000.
If I were to spend $1000,- on something like this, I would go for a good
wheel and/or computer, and not mind sitting behind a desk. After a few laps
you forget where you are anyway.

Bart Westra

P Gag

Driving frame/seat for wheel & pedals.

by P Gag » Fri, 04 Sep 1998 04:00:00

They do not have a website? They are based in the UK....

Ad states... Fully adjustable to fit all ages, Folds flat for

G & C Engineering Limited
Cobham Road
Pershore, Worcs
WR12 2DL
Tel (+44 for UK) 01386 554 836


Driving frame/seat for wheel & pedals.

by rick » Fri, 04 Sep 1998 04:00:00

> Lots of Guys Posting about a seat/wheel/pedals/F1 pod...

> AHA! Is it just me, or am I noticing a trend in these posts? That is:
> The majority of them appear to have UK origins!!!  AT LAST!... Brits
> that are more eccentric than us Yanks! ;-)  AH what a feeling!

> Andre Ming

> P.S. I confess... it DOES sound interesting... sitting in a modern
> Ferarri F1***pit replica letting it all hang out at Monza... yeah...
> that could be fun.  As a matter of fact, seeing as I'm a trail
> motorcycle rider, I have a helmet, riding gloves,etc... shoot... I could
> REALLY get into my racing then!!!   8^p

I agree big time!  Racing is much more fun in a real race seat with
harnesses, helmet, fire suite, etc....

Here is a picture of my seat in use!


"Before calling tech support, check your machine for an installed copy

Me and my sim racing setup:

Me and my real racecar in REALVIDEO format:

L. Andre Min

Driving frame/seat for wheel & pedals.

by L. Andre Min » Fri, 04 Sep 1998 04:00:00

> > Lots of Guys Posting about a seat/wheel/pedals/F1 pod...

> > AHA! Is it just me, or am I noticing a trend in these posts? That is:
> > The majority of them appear to have UK origins!!!  AT LAST!... Brits
> > that are more eccentric than us Yanks! ;-)  AH what a feeling!

> > Andre Ming

> > P.S. I confess... it DOES sound interesting... sitting in a modern
> > Ferarri F1***pit replica letting it all hang out at Monza... yeah...
> > that could be fun.  As a matter of fact, seeing as I'm a trail
> > motorcycle rider, I have a helmet, riding gloves,etc... shoot... I could
> > REALLY get into my racing then!!!   8^p

> I agree big time!  Racing is much more fun in a real race seat with
> harnesses, helmet, fire suite, etc....

> Here is a picture of my seat in use!


> Rick

LOL! Good one Rick... that was great!  Talk about taking this
SERIOUS!!!  8-)

- Show quoted text -


Driving frame/seat for wheel & pedals.

by xpect » Sun, 06 Sep 1998 04:00:00

Seen the F1 DINO and sat in it.  Sure looked and felt good.  Very
comfortable sitting position and authentic.  Can't wait to get mine.  The
Video interactor sounds crap!


W. Benjamin Fletch

Driving frame/seat for wheel & pedals.

by W. Benjamin Fletch » Mon, 07 Sep 1998 04:00:00

The following was not written by xpecta...

I'm not sure how much you're talking about money-wise, but I built a
really cool flight/racing sim "cockpit" that I just love to
death..It's fairly bulky, but if you have your computer in a seperate
room all to itself, it's well worth the trouble and cost. You can also
easily unhook the rig and put it somewhere else if you really want to,
but I haven't done that yet. It just involves unbolting the roll cage
from the steel frame, and both parts can easily go through most

Here goes..

        1st, I got an old, large go-kart rollcage frame, and built a
wooden frame for the bottom. You actually have to step into the thing.
The wooden frame is pretty solid on the bottom, it's 2x4" boards
running width-wise.. On the floor, there are a set of Thrustmaster
rudder pedals for flight sims, and you can easily switch them out with
V3 pedals (or whatever else you want) for racing. The nice thing is,
there is an adjustable platform at the bottom where your feet go, so
you can tighten up the pedals and adjust them for your body. Really
nice, IMO..
        2nd, I got an old Recaro-type (not real Recaro, mind you) seat
from a junkyard, and bolted that on a pair of steel runners, so you
can adjust the seat's depth. Behind the seat is a powered subwoofer
from the stereo, and mounted on the upper left and upper right support
columns of the cage, there are the satellite speakers. (Remote control
for the stereo fits under the seat.
        On the left hand side, there is a small platform that swings
in place (hinges bolted to the frame) that you can set your throttle
on, which also has a clamp to hold it steady. On the right is the same
thing, used for the joystick. In the middle, the "dash" if you will,
there is a flat drafting board, also attached to the frame, that you
can either rest a keyboard on, or clamp your wheel to the middle, and
still have the keyboard a bit over to the left or right. It's about 3
feet wide.
        Above, there is a black canvas top, and black canvas tie-down
flaps on the sides and back so you can basically immerse yourself in
the***pit, with only the front being the open part.
        I don't use this setup for anything but flight and racing
sims, and the very occasional FPS. My other computer works better for
        The front of the "cockpit" can be altered to have a monitor
brace/stand, but mine is open, and I use my Seleco VT130 for the
screen.. It gives me a GREAT picture of about 9 FEET diagonal, from
floor to ceiling.. The***pit is positioned so that the screen is
basically all I can see from the***pit without looking out from the
front of the cage when the flaps are down.. Most people will probably
want to use their monitor for this, though..

Total cost involved (but WELL worth it, IMO):

Wood for the frame: probably around $75-100, with the 4x4" base frame
boards being the most expensive part...
Miscellaneous clamps for KB, throttle, and joystick: $15
Dark Grey indoor/outdoor carpet for interrior of***pit: $30
Roll cage for***pit frame: $150-$200
Recaro-type seat: $50
Canvas for shade-flaps: $30
Glue, nails, bolts, etc. etc. etc. : $20
Pioneer VSX-501, Bose AM7 speakers: $700 give or take..
Seleco VT130: You don't even *WANT* to know...

Any other connecting wires, joysticks, throttles, pedals, etc. you can
throw in yourself.. Even discounting the surround system and
projection video, you can probably make one of these yourself for
around $400, depending on your tastes. All you need is some time,
patience, and a bit of skill, but trust me, it's WELL worth it.

I've got the plans of the one I made, if anyone else wants to give it
a try.. E-mail me, and I'll scan them and send them to you.


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Russell D. Laughlin Jr

Driving frame/seat for wheel & pedals.

by Russell D. Laughlin Jr » Wed, 09 Sep 1998 04:00:00

You really really really really really really need to get a life.    :-)~

>> Lots of Guys Posting about a seat/wheel/pedals/F1 pod...

>> AHA! Is it just me, or am I noticing a trend in these posts? That is:
>> The majority of them appear to have UK origins!!!  AT LAST!... Brits
>> that are more eccentric than us Yanks! ;-)  AH what a feeling!

>> Andre Ming

>> P.S. I confess... it DOES sound interesting... sitting in a modern
>> Ferarri F1***pit replica letting it all hang out at Monza... yeah...
>> that could be fun.  As a matter of fact, seeing as I'm a trail
>> motorcycle rider, I have a helmet, riding gloves,etc... shoot... I could
>> REALLY get into my racing then!!!   8^p

>I agree big time!  Racing is much more fun in a real race seat with
>harnesses, helmet, fire suite, etc....

>Here is a picture of my seat in use!



>"Before calling tech support, check your machine for an installed copy

>Me and my sim racing setup:

>Me and my real racecar in REALVIDEO format:
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