No utility required. The functionality you need is built into Windows. Just
do the following:
1. Select the View | Folder Options command in Explorer or any folder
2. In the Folder Options dialog box, select the File Types tab.
3. Select the New Type command button
4. In the Add New File Type dialog, type a description in the "Description
of Type" field, like "GPL Screenshot File."
5. In the "Associated extension" field type "PBF".
6. Select the New command button.
7. In the New Action dialog type "open" in the "Action" field and
"C:\SIERRA\gpl\pbf2tga.exe "%1"" in the "Application used to..." field.
8. Select the OK command button.
9. Select the Close command button.
10. Select the Close command button.
There you have it, in *10* *easy* steps. You've just made an association
between all files ending in .PBF and the PBF2TGA translation utility. Now
all you have to do is select one or more PBF files and hit Enter and the
translation of all the selected files is performed. The new TGA files will
be placed in the same directory as the source files, wherever they might be.
Caution: Before you attempt to convert 100 files simultaneously and bring
your system to its knees, select just a few and see how your system handles
the number that you've selected. Windows creates an instance of pbf2tga.exe
for every file you selected, so you'll have many applications running
simultaneously. More powerful systems can handle this with greater aplomb
than less powerful systems.
Much easier, isn't it?