What I replied to Eldred.
Jan. ;-)
What I replied to Eldred.
Jan. ;-)
I actually don't think it's hard at all to finish a full race. But then again,
I've completed more than the average simracing fan...
Ability has nothing to do with the desire to save a game in progress. If
that's your only criteria, then I think that's a mistake.
Someone simply might not have the TIME to run a full race all at once.
That's fine, if you live by yourself. I don't unplug the phone when I'm racing
- I just ignore it. But, I also live alone. Not having any distractions makes
it easier for me. I also don't have anyone else who may need to use my
computer while I'm racing(which would preclude simply hitting <pause>). I'm
guessing that you're also in the same situation. Either that, or you have your
family VERY well trained.
Even though you or I might not need such a feature, I can see why others might.
Therefore, I wouldn't have a problem with a savegame function being included.
Homepage - http://www.umich.edu/~epickett
N2002 Rank:+17.59
Never argue with an idiot. He brings you down to his level, then beats you
with experience...
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I think the basic point is we are not professional race drivers. We do this
as a simulation. We have other things going on, which includes:
Dogs that need walking.
Babies that need changing.
Doorbells that need answering.
Dryer buzzers to tend to.
Telemarketers on the phone to***with.
And thousands of other life issues to deal with. Racers don't have to deal
with these things, generally, when they run a race.
Wasn't talking about you.
At 2x wear it takes about 1hr45 minutes to complete your average race. Back
in the offline days we used to do this sort of thing all the time with F1RS
and MGPRS2. It's quite a satisfying drive.
I share with my parents, but we keep out of eachothers way if need be. And I
am the only one using this computer... hadn't thought about that one,
Oh, I wouldn't object to one either, but I don't think it's as crucial a
feature as in other games.
You would actually WORRY about those three...? I ignore 'em... :-)
Homepage - http://www.racesimcentral.net/~epickett
N2002 Rank:+17.59
Never argue with an idiot. He brings you down to his level, then beats you
with experience...
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Homepage - http://www.umich.edu/~epickett
N2002 Rank:+17.59
Never argue with an idiot. He brings you down to his level, then beats you
with experience...
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>>"Steve Jones" wrote...
>>> <snip>
>>> They should. For everyone that says it here there is
>>> another 100,000 lurkers that feel the same. I'll
>>> probably buy it but no save game during mid-race
>>> pisses me off too.
>>There's no point in running a Nascar simulation if you're not having to go
>>the distance in one sitting. There's an accellerated wear option for the
>>less committed.
>I disagree, but to each his own.
Marathon - as in *running* one?
Homepage - http://www.umich.edu/~epickett
N2002 Rank:+17.59
Never argue with an idiot. He brings you down to his level, then beats you
with experience...
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