>I'll say "good", which is already at least on-par with most of the video
>card drivers on the net. And considering it's a very new chipset, the
>future is quite bright I say.
> The Kyro II card is a much superior card to an MX-type GeForce. It's closer
> to a GTS then a MX in terms of power. Any current video cards will be much
> better with a higher processor then just a 450mhz (I know my P3-500 really
> needs to be changed to a P3-1000 to get full power off my Kyro II).
Still, the average T&L game is normally very PC-consuming (even more in the
future), therefore older computers even with the increase of fps won't
really enjoy the game at it's most.
-- Fran?ois Mnard <ymenard>
-- May the Downforce be with you...
-- http://www.ymenard.com/
-- This announcement is brought to you by the Shimato Dominguez
Corporation - helping America into the New World...
Of course, all the games that are now coming out with T&L are also
consuming with respect to pure PC power as things moved on. A card that
can do fast T&L (such as the MX) will at least enable one to run such
games without a serious upgrade, but for full enjoyment a complete
overhaul of the system is needed.
With that said, I run very few games, and those that I currently do the
MX suits me nicely. I just won't be buying many new games until the
(distant) upgrade :).
> I agree with that. I mentioned that to him via email. I bought the card
> considering that I *will* upgrade my CPU soon to a P3-1000.
> Still, the average T&L game is normally very PC-consuming (even more in the
> future), therefore older computers even with the increase of fps won't
> really enjoy the game at it's most.
> --
> -- Fran?ois Mnard <ymenard>
> -- May the Downforce be with you...
> -- http://www.ymenard.com/
> -- This announcement is brought to you by the Shimato Dominguez
> Corporation - helping America into the New World...
The KyroII *is* really good for first-person-shooters like Tribes2 (30
to 100 fps with most things maxed!), The Moon Project estimates 60fps at
1280x1024x32 and ran smoothly after a quick test.
It worked out of the box for 95% of my stuff. MBTR falls to 20fps a bit
more than I'd like at 800x600x32. Insane had bad horizon corruption.
Just forget about using FSAA on anything 800x600 or above :(
Does anyone know how to get mirrors every 2,3,4 frame in GPL with the
D3D driver? I had it to every 2 with the Glide driver and I'm sure it
will help the scoring for the KyroII.
I just wish the GF3's weren't $640ish dollars! :( I might have to break
down and get a GF2 since I can't use FSAA on the KyroII anyway.
> Kyro II looks to be pretty nice check this review out. Myself I'm sticking
> with my V5 card for now, but if I where looking for another card I think I
> would take a hard look at this card.
> http://www.soundcardcentral.com/reviews/video/Prophet4500/page1.htm
> > >They are in the same price range as the mx cards. And they are faster.
> Yes
> > >they do suck compared to a geforce 3. Everything sucks compared to a gf3.
> > More importantly, how are the drivers? Doesn't matter how fast a card
> > is if it has crappy drivers. I've heard there are problems with the
> > KyroII drivers, but I don't have one so don't really know.
> On Wed, 01 Aug 2001 13:08:17 -0600, Jason Monds
> >I just wish the GF3's weren't $640ish dollars! :(
> They aren't $640ish, more like $350ish. Unless you are paying in CAD.
Now I just need more tweaking tools :)
> Don't bother with the Hecules Prophet 4500 (KyroII) if you have a V5 and
> race GPL and N4. I thought to myself, "Hey, if it can to 1024x768x32
> with 2xFSAA I'd be happy." Well, without much "tweeking" it just barely
> does 800x600 (no FSAA) with GPL. Falling to 30ish FPS on the start from
> the back at Kyalami. In N4, I've had to turn many things down which
> were fully maxed with the V5 at 800x600 2xFSAA. The KyroII does plain
> 800x600x32 but struggles with 42 cars drawn and about 25% details.
my specs
AMD Athlon 750mhz
256mb RAM
Hercules Prophet 4500 64mb
> The KyroII *is* really good for first-person-shooters like Tribes2 (30
> to 100 fps with most things maxed!), The Moon Project estimates 60fps at
> 1280x1024x32 and ran smoothly after a quick test.
> It worked out of the box for 95% of my stuff. MBTR falls to 20fps a bit
> more than I'd like at 800x600x32. Insane had bad horizon corruption.
> Just forget about using FSAA on anything 800x600 or above :(
> Does anyone know how to get mirrors every 2,3,4 frame in GPL with the
> D3D driver? I had it to every 2 with the Glide driver and I'm sure it
> will help the scoring for the KyroII.
> I just wish the GF3's weren't $640ish dollars! :( I might have to break
> down and get a GF2 since I can't use FSAA on the KyroII anyway.
> Jason.
> > Kyro II looks to be pretty nice check this review out. Myself I'm sticking
> > with my V5 card for now, but if I where looking for another card I think I
> > would take a hard look at this card.
> > http://www.soundcardcentral.com/reviews/video/Prophet4500/page1.htm
> > > >They are in the same price range as the mx cards. And they are faster.
> > Yes
> > > >they do suck compared to a geforce 3. Everything sucks compared to a gf3.
> > > More importantly, how are the drivers? Doesn't matter how fast a card
> > > is if it has crappy drivers. I've heard there are problems with the
> > > KyroII drivers, but I don't have one so don't really know.
> --
> Jason Monds
> http://www.proracingclub.com - Pro Racing Club! (N4, GPL, Fun Run Sims)
> http://www.racersdomain.com - Race hosting.
> (Please remove 'no extra spork' when replying)
Thanks for the updates on getting that KyroII to run different sims... I
have a V5 in my main system (1.2ghz. T'bird) but I was thinking of replacing
the old CL Banshee in my other system (K6-III 400) and I am really torn
whether or not to go KyroII or GeForce2 MX. I know you are using the KyroII
in a much stouter system but I can find very little info on the different
hardware sites pertaining to racing sims... it's mostly FPSer's that they
use to bench and compare the card. If you know of any links to reviews of
the KyroII pertaining to simming then I would appreciate the links as well.
Jason Monds
http://www.proracingclub.com - Pro Racing Club! (N4, GPL, Fun Run Sims)
http://www.racersdomain.com - Race hosting.
(Please remove 'no extra spork' when replying)
My decision to try the KyroII was based on better scores than the ATI
Radeon and GF-MX; it was 1/3 the price of a GF3; and it supposedly had
usuable FSAA.
Right now my recommendation would be to stick with the V5 for simming
until, maybe, Robin can shed some light on how to make this card
> Thanks for the updates on getting that KyroII to run different sims... I
> have a V5 in my main system (1.2ghz. T'bird) but I was thinking of replacing
> the old CL Banshee in my other system (K6-III 400) and I am really torn
> whether or not to go KyroII or GeForce2 MX. I know you are using the KyroII
> in a much stouter system but I can find very little info on the different
> hardware sites pertaining to racing sims... it's mostly FPSer's that they
> use to bench and compare the card. If you know of any links to reviews of
> the KyroII pertaining to simming then I would appreciate the links as well.
> Robin
I'm officially recommending you upgrade your V5 (maybe to a KyroII ;)
I talked to a friend who has an ATI Radeon, he said to turn off reflections
-- I was amazed that it took up that many fps! By turning off reflections
and the steering wheel I could easily run N4 in:
800x600x32 2XFSAA at 30-45fps.
1024x768x32 2xFSAA at 22-30fps
1184x864x32 NO FSAA at 30-35fps
1280x960x32 NO FSAA at 25-35fps
Everything was maxed 42 AI, 42 drawn, blah blah, except for reflections and
steer wheel where turned off. I just turn the mirror viewing distance down
to 25% but that's pretty maxed. The world setting really didn't affect fps
much more than 1-2 fps.
With a bit of tweeking, I'm sure 1024x768 with 2xFSAA could be moved up to
30+fps which I consider drivable.
I guess I need to learn how to tweek with this card, but it looks very
AMD 1.3Gz, 256MB DDR, Hercules Prophet 4500 64MB
> > I'm happy to say with some tweeking (Setting to 4x AGP instead of 2x and
> > adding a AGP aperature of 16mb) I easily doubled my FPS in MBTR in
> > 800x600x32 from 20-100 to 40-170fps (relative low detail settings
> > however). GPL runs at 1024x768 at 32-34 fps at the start of Kyalami but
> > maxes at 36 very shortly. Certainly drivable on the starts. Drawing
> > mirrors every 2 frames should help keep it maxed. I even ran N4 at
> > 800x600x32 2xHorizontalFSAA during my series race and it was from 29 to 40
> > fps in the***pit -- drivable as well.
> > Now I just need more tweaking tools :)
> > Jason.
> Thanks for the updates on getting that KyroII to run different sims... I
> have a V5 in my main system (1.2ghz. T'bird) but I was thinking of replacing
> the old CL Banshee in my other system (K6-III 400) and I am really torn
> whether or not to go KyroII or GeForce2 MX. I know you are using the KyroII
> in a much stouter system but I can find very little info on the different
> hardware sites pertaining to racing sims... it's mostly FPSer's that they
> use to bench and compare the card. If you know of any links to reviews of
> the KyroII pertaining to simming then I would appreciate the links as well.
> Robin
> -Gregor
>> The Kyro II card is a much superior card to an MX-type GeForce. It's
>> closer to a GTS then a MX in terms of power. Any current video cards
>> will be much better with a higher processor then just a 450mhz (I know
>> my P3-500 really needs to be changed to a P3-1000 to get full power
>> off my Kyro II).