After numerous request on our feedback page for info on steering wheels,
it's about time I put something together for people to judge before buying
wheels...and since I can't afford to blow tons
of money buying all the wheels currently on the market, could everyone
please send me info
on what they're using (or have used) and I'll tally it all up...
Just add -
Make/Model of wheel
rate desktop attachment/space (1-10, 10 is best)
rate reliability (1-10, 10 is best)
rate compatibility with current games (1-10, 10 is best)
rate overall satisfaction (1-10, 10 is best)
header of 'Wheels'
??Jan Kohl?? **The Pits Performance Team**
Computer Systems Programmer
USAF Air-Ground Operations School
Hurlburt Field, FL
Castle Graphics -
The Pits -