> > > 1.1) Sorry to have spoken over you head. What I was implying, was
> > >that if there were a card out there that cost 3 times as much ( T2 = $89 :
> > >TSW = $290 : = approx 3 times as much ) as the reactor, that _I_ would
> > >consider that unreasonable cost, and would not purchase it if the $200 card
> > >did the job as well.
> Hi John,
> You might as well give it up<g>! Obviously if this dude cant recognize
> the diff in quality and perf between a cheap plastic toy and a quality,
> hand built piece of equipment, you arent going to convince him.
> His statement above is like comparing a Ferrari to a Chevy Vega, sure
> they'll both do the same job but which would you rather have :)!
Why do you jump at each other throat so easily? And I thought I was aggressive !
I have never posted anything related to this kind ofthreads, since I don't
think this is what r.a.c. is about, but I have a few minutes :)
The poor guy you are all attacking was making a very true point, I think.
He didn't seem to say that the T2 is better than the TSW or whatever, but
rather than the T2 has a much more affordable price, and that he can't "waste"
200$ to get a better toy. I understand him because I have the same problem :(
Sure I would like to have a Ferrari, but I am not a millionaire, so I have
to cope with different priorities.
Have fun,