> Congratulations on both counts - you've pulled ahead of me now, guess
> I have some work to do. I've been 'resting' at just over the 100 mark
> for a while, secure in the knowledge that it could easily be achieved
> if I concentrated a little. (The Ring is my excuse for not being
> negative rank - haven't really worked at it at all).
> Now what steed did the deed for you at Mosport? ... Eagle - of course,
> my favourite for difficult tracks. So what was the secret to Mosport?
> I've run out of the subtle hints for spots where I'm braking too early
> (like, AI crashing into my rear generally tells me something). How do
> you do it, or, what did you do different?
Well, I've still got a way to go, but I'm learning slowly that
conversely, it's not just about going as fast as possible, more going
in as short a distance as one can, as quickly as possible!
Martin Brundle once said about the importance of keeping forward
motion to the maximum; it may sound obvious, but I often forget and
fall in to the 'braking as late as possible is the only way' trap.
Just by easing off enough to stay on line (too often I was pushing too
much and then having to back off a lot to make the corner), and by
being a little braver with T2 and T4 I lost a second; it took a fair
bit of time to not to be intimidated by the way the car feels under
braking as the track falls away beneath you! I also found braking
slightly earlier than I anticipated really helped.
We are pretty much on a par laptimes wise; like you, it's the 'Ring
that holds be back from a more respectable GPLRank....I think I need
to devote an entire week of evenings before I can even break 9mins!!