GPL Mosport - "can't do it"!!!

Craig Jone

GPL Mosport - "can't do it"!!!

by Craig Jone » Fri, 21 Sep 2001 02:47:00

> Well, congratulations! you made it into the 1:27s!
> I can only sympathise and agree that when I look at my 1:27 lap at
> Mosport I think "that car is right on its limit" and "how can anyone
> go faster than that there" (or why would they want to!).

> --
> Laurence Wilmer


Managed a 1:26.75 night before last, and together with an improved Mexico
time, I've actually got a rank of below 100 now!

Now if I could just take a minute off my 'ring time...


Remove "ANTISPAM" when replying.

GPLRANK (F1): +98.67  slowly but surely...

Laurence Wilme

GPL Mosport - "can't do it"!!!

by Laurence Wilme » Fri, 21 Sep 2001 03:32:05

Congratulations on both counts - you've pulled ahead of me now, guess
I have some work to do. I've been 'resting' at just over the 100 mark
for a while, secure in the knowledge that it could easily be achieved
if I concentrated a little. (The Ring is my excuse for not being
negative rank - haven't really worked at it at all).

Now what steed did the deed for you at Mosport? ... Eagle - of course,
my favourite for difficult tracks. So what was the secret to Mosport?
I've run out of the subtle hints for spots where I'm braking too early
(like, AI crashing into my rear generally tells me something). How do
you do it, or, what did you do different?

Laurence Wilmer

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GPL Mosport - "can't do it"!!!

by Jone » Fri, 21 Sep 2001 18:13:06

> Congratulations on both counts - you've pulled ahead of me now, guess
> I have some work to do. I've been 'resting' at just over the 100 mark
> for a while, secure in the knowledge that it could easily be achieved
> if I concentrated a little. (The Ring is my excuse for not being
> negative rank - haven't really worked at it at all).

> Now what steed did the deed for you at Mosport? ... Eagle - of course,
> my favourite for difficult tracks. So what was the secret to Mosport?
> I've run out of the subtle hints for spots where I'm braking too early
> (like, AI crashing into my rear generally tells me something). How do
> you do it, or, what did you do different?

Well, I've still got a way to go, but I'm learning slowly that
conversely, it's not just about going as fast as possible, more going
in as short a distance as one can, as quickly as possible!

Martin Brundle once said about the importance of keeping forward
motion to the maximum; it may sound obvious, but I often forget and
fall in to the 'braking as late as possible is the only way' trap.

Just by easing off enough to stay on line (too often I was pushing too
much and then having to back off a lot to make the corner), and by
being a little braver with T2 and T4 I lost a second; it took a fair
bit of time to not to be intimidated by the way the car feels under
braking as the track falls away beneath you!  I also found braking
slightly earlier than I anticipated really helped.

We are pretty much on a par laptimes wise; like you, it's the 'Ring
that holds be back from a more respectable GPLRank....I think I need
to devote an entire week of evenings before I can even break 9mins!!

Dan Belch

GPL Mosport - "can't do it"!!!

by Dan Belch » Sun, 23 Sep 2001 06:03:37

This isn't a good learning tool if John Surtees is behind you however,
especially at Monza!  He'll have you trying to brake 50 feet away from the
turnin at the Parabolica.  :)

Dan Belcher

Laurence Wilme

GPL Mosport - "can't do it"!!!

by Laurence Wilme » Thu, 27 Sep 2001 00:58:30

The Brabham just gave me a 1:26.46 at Mosport - I think it gets around
the hairpin more tidily, to get power on earlier for the back uphill

Now what was that you did at Mexico - I'm stuck at 1:53 there, usually
spin on T1.

Laurence Wilmer

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