They are right to say don't attack the track. Brake earlier than you think
you need to and then let off the brake early before turn-in (this does not
mean slow down more than normal, just to do all your braking earlier and
coast into the turn. This will get the car nice and balanced for the corner
entry (most of the turns have entries in very unsettling places). You also
need to learn how to get on the gas earlier than you think you need to. Not
a big stomp, but just slightly adding more gas after the apex...the car can
handle it...especially in turns 2 and 4. Finally, if the car is not
turning, do not turn the wheel more...actually start bringing the wheel
towards straight ahead (just a little bit...and only in the big turns like
turn 1, 2, 3, 4 and the one at the end of the straight)...The car generally
wants to slide a lot at this track (which is good) and when you add more
steering lock, it gets rid of this slide and the car begins to push. Turn
the car in with a good amount of lock, and then quickly bring the steering
back towards center a little bit. This will setup a good slide and the car
will turn better. If the car does not setup into a good drift, then put
more lock back into the steering, and then reduce it again...This works at a
lot of tracks (curve grande at monza is a good example)...but the turn has
to be pretty fast and long.
I know I have some other tips for mosport, but I can't think of them. If I
remember, I will post another answer.
Jesse Black
BTW I run low 1:20s