Yes. :) In fact, I read this before in some other book. Although the
*** damping is in principle way higher than a suspension's damper I
think when thinking of pushing my finger into *** and letting go,
the length at which this happens is much smaller in the case of the
tire, so probably that's why the tire damping can be neglected. I
wasn't going there anyway, afraid of explosive integrations when
damping small chunks of ***; far too high oscillation frequencies
for my poor Euler integrators. ;-)
Hm, yes, thanks for noticing this. Still, that would mean an extra
parameter again, which is something to avoid (because it's one of
those 'guess-it' parameters :) ).
Major thing for now is to get Pacejka editing into the world, because
people are still complaining about the incredible loss of grip when
tire finally lets go. Even boosting up gravity by a factor of two for
playability! ;-)
BTW a nice tip perhaps for the 'arcadish' feel that was talked about a
short time ago; next to flattening the end of the tire force curves
(keeping it high near the peak), you could try using double gravity,
next to higher body inertiae. But let's not go to NFS physics too
much. ;-)
That was 950311 for those who want to go through their files. I read
this too (even posted about it here) and mostly because Eric states
that 'the damping term changes sign each integration step'. This I
couldn't find in the original SAE950311 document. Still, the lateral
stiffness you need in that formula I can deduce from the Pacejka
constants, but for the longitudinal stiffness, it seems not really
defined. I mean, in Genta's book there's something about C, IIRC,
being the stiffness (coefficient?), but no such thing for Fx
(longitudinal). Still, I use it in the same way, as all Pacejka
formulae are basically the same in their form, and just use shaping
parameters (and in fact match physical meanings, which I previously
didn't think; not so much Magic after all).
Thanks for mentioning it. I've got a tasklist from here to Tokyo, but
things like this always stick in my mind (for the future), since the
instability ordeal at low speed was such a pain. :)
Ruud van Gaal
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