first, the notations
P = position in world coordinate
G = position of the center of gravity of the solid (CG)
Fp = force at P
Fs = force of the solid on the centre of gravity (CG)
T = torque of the solid
m = mass of the solid
Omega = angular velocity of the solid
Alpha = angular accleration of the solid
Vs = linear velocity of the solid
As = linear acceleration of the solid
L = angular momentum of the solid
I = Intertia tensor of the solid
Vp = Velocity at P
Ap = acceleration at P
x = vector product
. = dot product
i know that
R = P - G
Vp = Vs + Omega x R
Ap = As + Alpha x R + Omega x ( Omega x R )
what the value of Fp ?????
Do i have to use the Angular momentum, because like Omega is derivation
Alpha, L is the derivation of the Torque.
Fp = Fs + Torque x R + L x ( L x R ) ???
i know how to compute Force and Torque from a Force on P
Fs = Fp
Torque = R x Force.
It could help me to calculate real load even on a solid block, and
compute contact forces and constraint forces.
best regards,
Sebastien TIXIER - Game Developer
Dynamics and Car Physics
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