I have sent this suggestion to Papyrus before, but I think I'll post it here to see
if any others are of like mind. My favorite mode of using the Papyrus sims is via
modem with my buddy in Salt Lake City (I'm in L.A.). We tend to set the race length
to about 50%, which results in races that last about 1 hour, more or less.Since
we've been known to have a beer or two during the course of these encounters it is
not surprising that hydraulic pressure leads to the need for some pauses. In ICR1
this was easily achieved by hitting escape ( and we had acheived a gentleman's
agreement to do that only when it was almost certain that it would not lead to a
crash for the other guy, e.g., during a yellow). Nascar and ICR2 do not allow this
during modem racing (the other cars just continue on). Now I understand that this
is probably to be prepared for their network version where many people would be
racing and you just couldn't allow any individual to stop the race, BUT THIS ISN'T
TRUE FOR TWO PLAYER MODE! I just can't believe that it would be that difficult for
the software to allow three modes (stand-alone, two player, and network). And even
if you have a bladder of steel you might want to set up some endurance racing
(hmmmm, does nascar or ICR2 allow race length greater than 100%?, say for the 24
hours of Laguna Seca, etc)?