Good for you Paul, don't take any shit. There are 2 types of people, those
who are achievers and try to bring others up to their level by being kind
and generous and those who are failures and try to bring others down to
their level by critcizing and demeaning. Cheers to you for not taking shit
from people who measure their***s with their dictionaries (notice the
clever alliteration self-absorbed "English Experts"). I won a ***ing
Spelling Bee when I was 12. Oooooh, I'm so amazing I can spell! Alert the
Nobel Society, I should win an award. Am I better than Paul? Why exactly
are any of you? Oh, I don't hav a spel cheq and eye downt kare to re-reade
this 5 tymes to maek shure I didn't tipe two fasst and misspell sumthing.
Do you know why? Because my IQ doesn't decline when I spell a word wrong.
And to the smart asses, your IQ doesn't go up when you point it out either.
You're still stuck somewhere between retard and moron. Perhaps by trying
to be thoughtful, decent and productive this will someday allow you to claw
your way up to imbecile.
PS- Hey Paul, remember the kid back in school with the pocket protector and
black rimmed glasses who couldn't get laid in a *** house with a***full
of $50's? He's now a brave "keyboard kowboy" who screws with anyone and
everyone because he knows we can't reach through the internet and give him
the solid ass kicking he deserves.