>drivers from Creative Labs, and even a completely *** Win95 install,
>and the bottom line is that the frame rate is uneven, is generally between
>1-5 fps slower than the DOS version on the same hardware, and there seems
>to be a slight delay in getting my input.
This is exactly what I was afraid would happen with a simulation on
Win95, The bad news is (as you can tell having tried every driver
combination) that it's not a matter of drivers or having fast
hardware. The uneveness of the frame rate and steering input is more
worrying than the overall speed. The problem is that Windows95 is a
multitasking, but not real-time, operating system. It can't provide
guarenteed response times (i.e., like a real-time OS) and your
perfromance at any point in time is dependent on what the operating
system happens to be doing at any given time (i.e., memory management,
etc. - we can expect this problem to be much, much worse on systems
les powerful than yours).
It's starting to look like Win95's a failure as a platform for