can't do it, then N4 cant' do it. These 3 games are similar. GPL had NO save
race feature and NEVER will. How long has it been out?????????????
Just that little point alone makes me think that it's just not possible so
N4 will probably never have it either. But of course Sierra and Papy could
just come out and say that they will not make a save game patch and everyone
would still whine about it. Oh wait! Sierra already did that.
> >I don't recall Papy ever stating a reason for not having the save game
> >feature in N4. I would think perhaps the complicated physics model (
> >may have something to do with it, as GPL does not have it and corrrect me
> >I am wrong but Heat doesn't either right?
> No, Heat doesn't either. But, both GP3 and F1RC do, so it can be done.
> --
> eFalcon keyboard chart in PDF format