I am having a computer problem that has me stumped.
My display is all screwed up. I have a flashing effect, with banded lines
pulsating across the screen, and the display is very dark, except for the
shifting bands of light. I have tried two different monitors, various
refresh rates, and updated the drivers. Nothing seems to help.
My specs are.
Asus A7V133 motherboard
AMD 900 Mhz Athlon
512 MB PC-133 Ram
Geforce 2 MX 64 MB video card.
Game Theatre XP sound card.
Generic 10/100 NIC
Montiors used with same effect.
Cornerstone 20/77
Compaq MV770
I am going to try and swap out the drivers again, then the video card, then
the power supply.
If anyone has had anything remotely like this happen to them, please advise
as to what your fix was.