CART:PR Ready for Prime Time?


CART:PR Ready for Prime Time?

by John » Sun, 14 Dec 1997 04:00:00

The track editor is not a very large download. Uncompressed it will probably
be around 1-2 megs and compressed it might be .5 to 1 mb. I'm not sure how
big the patch is.


+AD4-Anyone care to comment on my proposition that Microsoft replace v. 1.0 CD's
+AD4-for those loyalists who bought the +ACI-unfinished+ACI- version of the game?
+AD4APg-In response to those who are critical of Microsoft for releasing CART:PR
+AD4APg-before it was finished (like we have never heard of that before), and who
+AD4APg-think that Dean's participation in r.a.s. wasn't up to***(like all the
+AD4APg-companies have done better), I snip this from a reply post I sent earlier:
+AD4APg-More importantly, since the Microsoft CART reps. have diligently addressed
+AD4APg-our queries and concerns here on r.a.s., will Microsoft itself support
+AD4APg-of us loyal customers who have already bought version 1.0?
+AD4APg-By that I mean if all the great new patches and track editors and so forth
+AD4APg-(which is more than CART:PR's competitors have ever provided) add up to a
+AD4APg-mammoth and inconvenient download, will Microsoft provide new (or
+AD4APg-CD's with the updated version?  If they are willing to do that for the
+AD4APg-early customers (in exchange for our valuable feedback to improve the
+AD4APg-then we should do nothing but congratulate them.  They have demonstrated
+AD4APg-more willingness to listen and improve their product than any other sim.
+AD4APg-maker so far.
+AD4APg-Support the loyalists as much as the later buyers and I will be happy.
+AD4APg-Happy to have a better improved product and happy that finally there is a
+AD4APg-company making a driving sim. that understands what we want.  I wonder if
+AD4APg-Sierra/Papyrus, EA, Ubisoft, Eidos, and the rest of the laggards are
+AD4APg-any attention?  If the patched CART:PR is as improved as we anticipate,
+AD4APg-combined with the track editor and other goodies, the other sims. will be
+AD4APg-long forgotten while people still enjoy the +ACI-Quake+ACI- of driving games.
+AD4APg-By the way, stop bleating about Microsoft and capitalism.  They are less
+AD4APg-capitalistic and myopically American than 95+ACU- of the large U.S.
+AD4APg-in existence.
+AD4APg-Marc Collins
+AD4APgAi-Change is inevitable...except from a vending machine.+ACI-

Joeri Co

CART:PR Ready for Prime Time?

by Joeri Co » Mon, 15 Dec 1997 04:00:00

Most people tell, or see, the stories of their life the minute before they
die, as you, as a psychologist definately know.
Now that you've "unveiled the real answer to yourself" (as if I ever wanted
to know), does this mean you're going to shoot yourself tonight?
Or at least leave this newsgroup (since this ng seems to be all live you
Joeri J. Cox

>>Hmm... you mean kinda like what you did?  Don't be such a hypocrite...

>Heck Eric lets clarify some things.  First of all....  I am studying at
>College in psychology, and I have some future plans about being a
>psychologist.  I am ego-centric yes I am really.  I AM EGO-CENTRIC

Jim Sokolof

CART:PR Ready for Prime Time?

by Jim Sokolof » Mon, 15 Dec 1997 04:00:00

> Anyone care to comment on my proposition that Microsoft replace v. 1.0 CD's
> for those loyalists who bought the "unfinished" version of the game?

Personally, I think it's exceedingly unlikely. If you're really mad
about it, just return the one you have and buy it later with a newly
mastered CD. (This costs manafucturers money, if the store sends the
game back, rather than just re-shrink-wrapping it.)

Whether you have a valid point or not, I'm not sure I can judge. I
don't mind so much downloading and applying patches, but I've just
gotten used to it. Is it a hassle when you have to re-install?
Sure. Do you have to re-install all that often? I don't.

My opinion (as a consumer, as well as a former developer) is: be glad
for properly executed patches, and don't worry so much whether they
come over your SCSI cable or serial cable. :-)


Byron Forbe

CART:PR Ready for Prime Time?

by Byron Forbe » Wed, 17 Dec 1997 04:00:00

> Let's neither sanctify or demonize CPR's makers. Both are unfair.

   Rubbish! The product deserves demonising as much as it needs a patch!
So does the practice of releasing alphas.
Byron Forbe

CART:PR Ready for Prime Time?

by Byron Forbe » Wed, 17 Dec 1997 04:00:00

> >Hmm... you mean kinda like what you did?  Don't be such a hypocrite...

> Heck Eric lets clarify some things.  First of all....  I am studying at
> College in psychology, and I have some future plans about being a
> psychologist.

       Tell you what. How about we take up a collection for this fella
to send him to a psycoligist and put him thru college in English.

   No! Change from psychology to English!

Alan Cante

CART:PR Ready for Prime Time?

by Alan Cante » Thu, 18 Dec 1997 04:00:00

Here! Here!

>> Let's neither sanctify or demonize CPR's makers. Both are unfair.

>   Rubbish! The product deserves demonising as much as it needs a patch!
>So does the practice of releasing alphas. is a usenet newsgroup formed in December, 1993. As this group was always unmoderated there may be some spam or off topic articles included. Some links do point back to as we could not validate the original address. Please report any pages that you believe warrant deletion from this archive (include the link in your email). is in no way responsible and does not endorse any of the content herein.