> > The intrepid Achim Trenz, a stalwart of this forum, is also a demon
> > dogfighter. He was encouraging me to come play w. him in IL-2, but
> > the fact that I've written a book abt. flite sims ("PC Pilot"), it
> > became apparent that I don't have the requisite skills to shoot down
> > anything but an unarmed Me-323 troop transport.
> Hee hee, glad I'm not the only one getting his bits shot off all over
> the place ;)
> I just got IL-2 myself on a kinda-sorta rep of being "the GPL of flight
> sims";
> ..good sim, but boy, it's well hard to shoot down anything. These
> ***s sure want to stay alive and their 'planes seem to be made of
> Mithril or something <cue Tolkien fans>. For wot it's worth I got blown
> out of the sky by that lowly ME323 because I quickly found out it was
> armed and its gunners wanted to eat newbie for breakfast ;)
> (Did manage to get my first offline kills later (on Day 2) tho; shot
> down two HE129 ground attack planes from my IL2, and managed to take off
> & land without wrecking my underpan.. eh undercarriage as well ;)
> I do feel I need to get a joystick for it though.. it does fly rather
> cr*ppy with the keyboard, and me GPL wheel just won't cut it either.
> (Anyone got a good little gameport stick left over? :)
> Regards, Rudy
> --------------------
> GPLRank: -23
Dunno if it comes in gameport plug, but I use the Logitech Wingman FF
stick. I really like it a lot. Paid $70 (CDN) with a $25 rebate a year ago.
Check Best Buy, they seemed to have the best price. But I am thinking any
decent new stick will likely be USB. Of course, pretty much ANY stick is an
improvement over using the keyboard..............*gack*.