Guess you have never driven in western australia. Every Light is a drag
race. Every corner is chance to have the car sideways. When i started
driving i was amazed at what other people were doing and say i would never
be do such a thing. But driving for 7 years from 17 and having soo much bad
driving around me has taught me that no-one else is going to do a thing
about it. I dont risk lives but on an occasion give the car stick. I am
always looking ahead to see what is coming, looking at either side of the
road to see if someone is reversing or entering the road. That explains me
never having an accident around people you would say to put me to shame in
BAD driving.
all opinions expressed while drunk, stoned and flying through clouds.
I'm not paranoid. That's just a rumour started by people out to get me.
>>Funny, I could have sworn you wrote that you "always" try to have your
>Starion Turbo sideways. That doesn't exactly put across the impression
>of the isolated incident you're trying to retreat to now.
>Still, no matter. Australia is far enough away for me not to worry,
>although I would prefer you didn't live in Canberra as my sister is
>there. I'd hate to think she was returning from the pub at 12:30am
>after a few drinks and needed to cross that one way street.