it deliver! Give this excellent sim a chance - you won't be able to race on
VROC but you've got GPL for that. Everybody who can appreciate a good
offline racing experience against the most advanced AI in a racing game
yet - don't write it off just because some people apparently expected the
second coming. You would miss out on the best racing sim to be released
since GPL saw the light of day.
Everyone who accuses GP3 of lack of new features : what would you call the
revolutionary new weather system ? Has papy done anything that sophisticated
before ? Ubi Soft ? Anybody ? Sorry, but the weather in GP3 truly is
groundbreaking, innovative stuff that will take its place in the history of
racing simulations.
I can't see anything bad about the graphics either .. they are absolutely
stunning on my Cel500, Voodoo3 3000.
Alexander Marx