Go here for information and a good forum for Force Feedback devices:
Here are a couple of sites for non-force go spend the weekend
reading and come back Monday with your decision<g>.
>>How much are you willing to spend?
>>>I've got a couple of race sims and would like to try my hand at it.
>>>Can you guys recommend a reasonable setup for me. I'm using win98
>>>with usb ports. PIII - 500, ATI rage 16m card , with 128m memory
>>I've got a couple of race sims and would like to try my hand at it.
>>Can you guys recommend a reasonable setup for me. I'm using win98
>>with usb ports. PIII - 500, ATI rage 16m card , with 128m memory
So while I'm waiting hows about some (non-force) feedback. Is it going to be
any good?
...considering the 1995 Gravis cheapo joyschtick I have been using in N3.....
which reminds me....sorry for anyone I have taken out in on-line racing due to
this crummy schtick.....
(Don't use NO***in E-mail)
You think in the storm we've found the eye of the calm.....Bill Mallonnee,
Vigilantes Of Love