Yea the computer shop really doesn't know what there talking about, it
really 66bus. BUT you can overclock the chip and run it at a higher bus
speed if your motherboard will let you. Right now you are running a
multiplier of 3.5 and bus speed of 66Mhz, 3.5x66=233Mhz. If your motherboard
lets you run higher bus speeds like 75 or 83 it will look like this:
3.5x75=262Mhz and 3.5x83=290.5Mhz. But this produces a lot of heat and you
must keep the CPU cool with a really good heatsink/fan. But the TX chipset
can not run 100Mhz bus. The only Intel chipset that can run 100 bus is the
BX chipset. Depending on the motherboard, you change bus speed by either
changing the jumpers on the motherboard or in the Bios. There are VIA
chipset socket 7 motherboards they let you take an AMD K6-2 to 100bus. The
P233 is not garenteed to work at 100 bus on those motherboards though. But
some people managed to get a few P200mmx's running at 100bus on those
motherboard. But its not a realistic thing to do.
s t e a l t h
r a c i n g
>Hi All...
>This may sound off-topic, but the reason I'm asking is to improve my
>computer's performance for better simming... so it IS on topic?
>Anyway... I've been "told" that Intel's Pentium series chips are limited
>to 60 mhz bus speed. Is this on the up, or is it computer shop bull?
>Reason for asking is that I have a TX based mother board that allows
>100mhz bus speed... but if my P233MMX can't get past 60mhz, then what's
>the point? Also, assuming that the P-chips CAN speed faster than 60mhz,
>how would I change the bus speed... at my BIOS screen?
>Any input appreciated...